Trust Issues . . . ?

Jul 23, 2011 12:51

Title: Trust Issues?
Fandom: Before Crisis FFVII
Pairing: Cissnei/Elena
Prompt: Attention
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Spoilers: None
Author's Note: I think Cissnei/Elena is my FFVII OTP.

Boom! Another shell to the bull’s-eye. The Turk known as Shotgun pumped the action on her namesake and planted another round in the middle of the target’s head with little effort.
Tseng would be impressed, but Tseng wasn’t who she was worried about. That new girl, the young one known as Shuriken was always watching the others with shifty, nervous eyes. It must have been tough for her, being told that everyone was to be considered an enemy. Shotgun resolved to be helpful and friendly to her.
Ironic, though, that Shotgun caught her in bed with Elena later that evening.

prompt: attention, author: machina_dues, fandom: ffvii - bc

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