Well, it seems this past week only produced enough heat for one. o.0 Which is wei... Ah, well, we're video game fans, I guess that's to be expected. XD Kidding. Anyway, I know I'm a day late with the next prompt. I caught something very much along the lines of food poisoning (I've never had it but it definitely fit the m.o.) yesterday morning and I pretty much went to bed and stayed there for the whole day (I'm feeling better today though, don't worry). Why am I telling you this? Come on, surely you're aware of my pattern by now! This week's prompt is...
Sixteenth Prompt - Toxic
Toxins, poisonous gas, odd waves, poison, Bio - If it can taint and/or make something ill, then it's what you should be writing about this week. Food poisoning, a touch, a drink, even a kiss! It can all be toxic! Tifa spikes Elena's drink with something. In the midst of battle, Selphie becomes confused and casts Bio on Quistis. Yuna is sensing some dangerous vibes from Paine. Perhaps some words are the form of poison? If it's toxic, it's an idea for this week's prompt!
Any interpertation of the prompt is fine, so long as your drabble is about heat or someone mentioning it. The choice is yours! Your drabble can be either 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 words, exactly. Multiple drabbles are acceptable! Just don't forget to follow the other posting (and general) rules on the profile page.
A new prompt will appear next Tuesday, August 11th, 2009, noon (EST). Don't forget - Past prompts are always open!
Participant(s) this past week and their drabble(s):
compass_ink -
Sunshine (FFTA - Ritz/Shara - G)
P.S. - Anyone think I should do something special for the upcoming 20th prompt (in 4 weeks)? o.O I'm thinking a week long drabblathon or a week of ficlets only or... Well a lot of things. I think I want to do something cool for the comm every 20 prompts (it would be 25, but I'm impatient ^^; ). So any suggestions? Leave a comment here or PM me. :D I'll listen!