Dreamlinks chapter 2

Jul 01, 2011 12:10

Title: Dreamlinks Chapter 2
Fandom: Crossover (X/X-2, XII)
Pairing: Rikku/Ashe
Prompt: Dreams
Rating: PG
Words: 500
Spoilers: Character details
Author's Note: I really like my setting idea for this one, but I think I went a little too far.  If anyone has ideas for future settings, comment them.  I need really heavenly, surreal settings, that excell in the department of "Holy crap that's frikken gorgeous."  And it doesn't even have to be realistic.  Like "frozen fire" or something...  Hmm, that's a good idea, maybe I'll do that one.

Lady Ashelia entered her bedchamber late into the day. It had been dark out for nearly three hours now, and the desert had grown unbearably cold, to the point where what little water naturally occurred in the city was now iced over.
She had always refused help changing from her ‘servants’ as they like to call themselves, in favor of doing what she could on her own. She may be a queen, but she was not illiterate, did not require a bib, and most certainly could change herself. The things people tried to do on her behalf were rather ridiculous. If you want to help me, then let me do at least some things myself.
She absentmindedly touched the Dreamstone while climbing into bed.
Once again, like the night before, her dream came in a very recognizable form. She was once again fully aware and lucid, only this time, instead of a field of flowers, she stood on an endless expanse of water. Glowing coral and creatures of many different shapes sprawled out beneath her, the latter apparently content to go about their business, completely unaware of what lay beyond the surface of the water.
Ashe’s breathing quickened, as if she expected to suddenly plunge beneath the surface, which of course never happened. Her heart gradually calmed itself, only to speed up again when she came to fully appreciate the beauty of the scene.
“Ashe, wasn’t it?” An enthusiastic voice said from behind.
“Ah, yes, Rikku the thief,” she said, turning on her heel and facing the latecomer, “You’re late again.”
“Hey, that hurts,” Rikku fake-whined, “But it’s strange that we meet again. I guess lightning does strike twice sometimes, huh?”
“It would seem so,” Ashe said.
“But enough about that,” Rikku said, suddenly turning away and twirling across the surface of the water, “Isn’t this dream beautiful? I’ve never stood on water before.”
Ashe gave herself over to looking around again, just now noticing that the sun gave off the same soft pink light as the coral beneath the water.
“It’s breathtaking,” she said, almost a whisper.
“You thought so too?” Rikku said, giggling as her twirls ended, “It feels weird to be standing here like this, doesn’t it?”
Neither of them spoke on the subject after that, instead content on exploring the area, gazing down into the water and pointing out coral formations or fish that were especially beautiful. It all felt very surreal to Ashe, like she was suddenly in heaven but couldn’t comprehend the weight of such a revelation. It also felt very ironic, seeing as both she and Rikku were from the desert. It was almost as if something had read her mind, then placed her in a landscape that was the exact opposite of her memories.
After a while, the two desert girls came to the supposed end of the dream world, a white void beyond the edge of the water. Two steps into the void gave them way to a waking morning.

fandom: ffx-2, pairing: ashe/rikku, author: machina_dues, prompt: dreams, fandom: crossover, fandom: ffx, fandom: ffxii - ogc

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