May 24, 2011 10:12

Title: Lovers
Pairing: Tifa/Yuffie/Quistis/Fran
Prompt: Seclusion
Rating: R
Words: 455

Being in love created many problems when one wanted to be alone with their lover or, in this case, lovers.

They were four young women, or bunny woman in Fran's case. Tifa, Quistis, and Yuffie had found Fran one topsy-turvy night, the obviously not human Viera, as they later learned her race was called, near-bestial as they pulled her from the cage she had been in most of her life. They had taught her their language, albeit slowly, and though she could now speak as well as any of them there was something positively medieval in her accent, Quistis blaming TIfa and Yuffie's love of Arthurian romances on the television.

One evening Fran had noticed the way Tifa would cling to Yuffie in the kitchen, wrapping her arms around the younger woman's middle as Quistis hugged the both of them and nuzzled Tifa's neck.

Then she had learned exactly what they were considered in their culture and decided she wanted to be one as well and who better to show her the ropes than the three who had saved her from a life of being gawked at by yokels?

Tifa and Quistis had been hesitant at the outset but Yuffie agreed and the pair of them managed to convince the other two that this was a good idea.

This good idea later became an amazing idea after the first night all four of them were together, Fran proving to be quite the extraordinary lover.

Which led to tonight.

Tifa and Quistis were tired from a week of working round the clock at their jobs while Yuffie was all energy as they arrived home, begging to be pampered in bed that night.

"I think," Fran said after observing her more adult lover's haggard faces, "that we two should be the ones seeing to the both of them." Yuffie, after finally noticing how tired the other two were, nodded, soon lifting Quistis into her arms while Fran followed her example with Tifa.

Both serious young women blushed something fierce as they were carried to their large bed in their soundproof bedroom, Fran's solution to the constant complaints from their fellow neighbors in their apartment.

The two soon had them laid out on the bed, Fran and Yuffie then removing their clothes as well as their lovers and soon all of them were naked.

As Tifa and Quistis moaned their stress away they let loose and then sunk into the arms of their lovers, reaching out their arms to entwine with one another as Fran and Yuffie tightened their embrace, creating a cocoon of want and need that drove the rest of the world away, at least until the four of them were ready to face it again.

fandom: crossover, fandom: fviii, fandom: ffvii - ogc, author: ryu19, pairing: moresome, fandom: ffxii - ogc, fandom: ffviii, pairing: fran/quistis/tifa/yuffie, prompt: seclusion

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