Poll results, alliances + members cut

Feb 13, 2013 08:17

The poll is now closed, and I think everyone can see the results? Not too sure. Anyway, it was 10 yes, 8 not sure but willing to try, and 1 no. So.. the alliances will be Black Mages + Thieves versus White Mages + Monks + Soldiers + Dragoons.

I'll be removing people from their previous alliances and re-adding them so be prepared for a bunch of LJ notifs, heh.

On a side note four members have been contacted regarding low participation and they've not responded, so they're being cut :( As before, however, if you missed the PM for whatever reasons and decide that you'd like to join again, all is needed is a PM or a comment somewhere to let me know. We don't demand participation but we definitely remove members who aren't earning points so that we get an idea of the team sizes.

Aaaaand Game 5 starts tomorrow!

members cut, alliances, !announcement

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