Mod Team

Nov 12, 2012 14:22

Hello all! I apologize for the lateness, but there should be nothing stopping us from starting Game 5 on Nov 15th.

Let me introduce your mod team -- these are the people you want to contact if you have any problems.

Neutral - lightofeilia, sunflower_mynah, toffeethesnob, the_404_error, xinnk
airship_lounge - sai_salamander, sunflower_mynah, toffeethesnob
moogle_workshop - sunflower_mynah, toffeethesnob (art), Yin of breyzyyin (fanfic)
ff_minigames - toffeethesnob, the_404_error, lightofeilia
ultima_arena - lightofeilia, xinnk

We will have no team mods this game. What's going to happen is that reminders will be posted about twice weekly or once weekly over at airship_lounge. Once again, I'd like to remind all members that you can post in your team community even if you are not a team mod.

As soon as we decide alliance (see post below), I'll add members to their respective communities and we can get on with Game 5!

mod team

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