Mod applications

Oct 17, 2012 21:54

Posting from my phone so apologies for the lack of formatting...

We urgently need mods for:
ff_minigames - planning and running minigames, putting up results and giving out points.
ultima_arena - planning and running contests, putting up voting and results post, giving out points

We need an artist to help out with art tallying over at moogle_workshop.
airship_lounge would also like another co-mod.

Finally, if you are interested in helping to run ffland as a whole, you may apply for the semi-neutral or neutral position. Semi-neutrals still earn points for their team even with all the admin stuff they do. Neutral means completely leaving your team and overseeing the running of ffland. The semi-neutrals assist the neutral so work ranges anywhere from helping to put up posts to overall game tallying and mod management.

All teams are also in need if a team mod, so if you're interested in leading your team go for it. Team mods do reminder and cheer leading posts and occasionally discussion posts in team communities.

If you're interested in any of the positions above, just comment below with the name of the mod position you're interested in.

Deadline: Oct 31st 2012

mod applications

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