Game 4 - 5

Oct 01, 2012 12:45

Game 4 ends today!

It's been a rather quiet game, but we're hoping to speed things up for a more lively Game 5, so we're setting a start date for Game 5 for November 15th.

For new members, this will probably be your first between-games period, no? Sadly, during this period, all point-making communities close for tallying. The only communities open will be your respective team and alliance communities, and airship_lounge.

This game, however, we're making a few exceptions. moogle_workshop closes tomorrow, on the 2nd of October, so get your fanworks in quick for some few last-minute points! ff_eventsquare will be open until the October 15th, and you can earn points until then. ff_classchange will also be open until the 15th. Final results/game winners are expected to be up by around the 25th.

We're working hard to minimize boring times during this period, but remember that airship_lounge is open for posting by any member, so feel free to spark discussions or just start a "what's everyone doing lately" post.

This is quite important as during the between-games period, a members cut will be done. ff_land does not require extreme participation in order to stay a member (we appreciate lurkers too!) however we do a necessary cut to estimate team sizes so we know how to balance out the teams for next game. Any participation in airship_lounge up till the start of Game 5 will still counts (remember, you earn gil for posting in AL and you can use your gil to buy stuff).

I'll put up a list of members who might get cut shortly before Game 5, and all you have to do to stay is comment on that post telling me you'd like to stay. That's it :)

During this time we also put up some feedback. Mod feedbacks will go up shortly after this, and general communities and activities feedback will be done by arivess soon after too. We'll also be putting up rule changes if there are any, so if you have a suggestion or if you've found a loophole, please tell it to any one of the mods.

Finally, we're going to have a couple of mod positions open, so if you're interested, be on the lookout for mod applications, which will go up shortly too once all the mods have responded to whether or not they're staying on.

I believe that's it? Kinda lengthy, I know. Good game, everyone! Let's see who wins :)


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