Hello, guys! Mysti here. I am not your shiny events mod, as you very well know; that would be the lovely
etsplanations, who is currently overseas. I'm posting this on her behalf since she's asked me to hold the fort for her while she's away.
For those of you who aren't aware,
ff_eventsquare hosts a - well, the name says everything, doesn't it? - event once every game.
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Name: arivess
Class: Kittyberry
Booth Name: Gloom (...unless I can come up with a catchier name like Torture Corner :D)
Booth Info: It's based largely off of the card game Gloom, where you torture your people and then kill them off! :DDD Except FF-based! With all your favourite characters getting eaten by dragons, stomped by chocobos, stabbitied by tonberries, etc. :D
Proposed Layout/Setup: You pick two characters each, and then do horrible things to them! :D There are three varieties of cards: good things, bad things, and DEATH. Good things will lose you points, bad things will win you points, and once a character's dead, nothing else can be played on them. You are given a limited amount of each (I think about 10-12 cards total, probably something like 5 "bad" cards, 3 "good" cards, and 2 death cards) when you sign up to play, and you can play any card on any character (even someone else's), though there will be limitations on how many cards of what type can be played on each character (ie, a maximum of two good cards and three bad cards, and obviously only one death). There will also be bonuses given for creative storytelling instead of just playing a card. :D
Prizes/Participation: The bad cards will give -10 and -15, so you'll stick about -60 altogether on your characters. The good cards will give +5 and +10, so you'll get about 20 or so knocked off altogether, ideally. I was thinking of giving half the points on the good cards to encourage people to use them, so that means you'll get about +10 or something, so uh... 50-ish points altogether for full participation, maybe 60-65 if you're reeeeaaaal lucky? I want to knock down the points a bit more though, maybe to about 50... Might limit the number of cards even more. Will also give a +5 bonus for telling stories instead of just playing cards for... say, at least 3 cards.
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being easy and 5 being difficult), how much work do you think will go into maintaining this booth?: 3-4, depending on how many people play. I'll have cards prepared ahead of time, but if I run out, I'm going to have to make them up on the fly... >.>;
If you answered 4 or 5 to the above question, would you want a helper to help you out?: I don't think I'll necessarily need someone to help me run the booth, per se, although I guess maybe someone to keep an eye on things just to make sure people aren't over-using their cards or breaking other rules would be good. And, um. ;_; Card ideas are even better! Please?
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