Mod Applications

Mar 25, 2012 14:57

As most of you know, ff_land stays running through the efforts of a dedicated team of mods who volunteer their time so everyone can have fun. Unfortunately, a lot of people got busier, and we have a number of mod positions open that we hope to fill.

You don't need experience, just enthusiasm! There's no application either, except for the neutral mod positions, so please just comment with the position you want. It's all right if you're new -- we'll show you the ropes, and you might even bring new ideas to the plate we've never thought of before. If you've applied before and weren't selected for a position, feel free to apply again!

If the descriptions sound familiar, it's because much of it is copypasted from Tako's old posts! *coughs* With a few notes added in.

If you're wondering why your name isn't on the mod list here, it's likely because you missed the roll call. In that case, if you'd like to remain a mod, please drop a comment here. If no one else has applied, you'll get your position back for sure. In the case of other applicants, the current main mod for the position will decide.

- Each position has its own thread in the comments. Reply there to apply for a position. All comments are screened.

Neutral Mod (looking for 2~ co-mods to work with arivess and xinn)

A neutral mod is responsible for the whole FF Land comm. Neutral mods have admin privileges in ALL the FF Land sub-communities, which means they are able to invite people to the comms and are able to see all posts and screened comments in every comm. For this reason, neutral mods would have a limited ability to participate in contests and occasionally a minigame here or there.

Responsibilities (in order from biggest time-commitment to smallest):
- Very generally speaking, overseeing other mods. This includes making important posts in judge_magisters; answering other mods' questions about scheduling, rules, proposals, etc.; planning activities/reviewing and okaying activities that other people have planned.
- Making important posts to ff_land such as announcements, point updates, and community feedback
- Sending out invites to newly sorted members
- Updating point spreadsheet

Things we're looking for in a neutral mod:
1. Most important -- a compatibility with the current modding style and an in-depth understanding of the rules of FF Land and the logic behind those rules. We don't want a co-mod who is ban-happy (i.e. quick to see infractions everywhere and quick to respond with punishments). Instead we prefer a more easygoing, hands-off approach. We want someone who is on the same page as us as far as all the rules go, so that as a mod team there's a very consistent front.
2. Fairness. No biases, no rule-bending for friends, being impartial when giving out points, that kind of thing. It's important to treat all people with the same amount of warmth and respect.

Things that are a plus (these are all optional, but would be cool):
Detail-oriented, error-free posts, highly communicative, lots of free time, friendly, not afraid of making posts in comms, familiarity with LiveJournal (polls, cuts, screening comments, sending out invites) OR the ability to pick up those kinds of skills quickly

• Deciding on and enforcing rules
• Posting points updates and other announcements
• Deciding on schedule and directing other mods
• Handling and addressing member issues and complaints
• Taking care of any work that isn't already accounted for; delegating or reassigning work as needed

Current split of duties is:
Points tally - Xinn
Point updates posts - Xinn
Other kinds of posts - Xinn / me
Classchange member invites - me, but would like to stop
Members cut / alliance - me, but would like to stop
Community feedback/concerns/changes/etc -none/me
Managing mod team - me
Layout coding - me
Graphics - none
ultima_arena management - Xinn?
ff_minigames management - me
ff_eventsquare management - none
airship_lounge management - none
moogle_workshop management - none
ff_classchange management - none
Other Stuff - whichever poor soul I rope into it

You wouldn't have to take all the duties not taken, so don't feel too overwhelmed. We can always resplit them later, too. Plus, not all the comms need a neutral mod's management either. Mysti stop looking at me like that, I won't let someone else mess up your work. XD; Dunno if Xinn will want to keep her current duties, but I'm going to end up doing more general management now, I think, so I'd like to switch some of mine around, at least.

Anyway, if you'd like to be a neutral mod, here's the app! The really long app. ;_;

Which neutral mod responsibilities interest you or do you think you'd be best suited for?
Which neutral mod responsibilities would you absolutely not want? (Ie, we'd assume you'd be okay with the rest if necessary.)
Describe the main sub-communities of FF Land and what kind of content is posted there, and how points are earned:
Someone messages you with a complaint about an aspect of FF Land that hasn't been brought up before. What do you do?
How many points do you typically get for voting in an icon contest?
How many points is a 537-word story worth in ?
How many points would you typically get for a basic logic puzzle in ?
What is 's activity requirement?
If a Soldier were sorted in Game 3, which comms would they be invited to and what posting privileges would they have?
Anything else you'd like to add:

Contest Mod (looking for 1 co-mod to work with chacusha and xinnk)

A contest mod regularly runs contests in ultima_arena. Tako and Xinn are currently looking for an extra person. Note that as a UA mod, your ability to participate in contests is limited since you'll be able to see all the entries.

This position is a bit memory-intensive -- lots of little details to keep track of. The most time-consuming part of it is putting together voting posts. Lots of copypasting and formatting involved there. Other major tasks are planning contests, writing up challenge posts, tallying points, and keeping track of banner-making.

Neatness and attention to detail is a useful skill here, as is liking contests and being able to think of new ones. If you're interested, just comment with a bit about why you're interested in contests.

• Brainstorming and posting challenges on a regular schedule; answering questions about contests
• Collecting entries at the due date and posting voting
• Tallying votes and posting results
• Awarding points to entrants, winners, and banner makers
• Note: You may specialize if you like (e.g. be a mod of icon contests only or fic contests only)

Minigames Mod (looking for 3~ co-mods to work with arivess)

I AM LOOKING FOR A BUNCH OF MINIGAMES MODS. ;_; If you're interested, just comment with a bit about why you're interested in minigames. If you have new ideas, that's great! If you feel like you don't have minigames ideas but would like to help, that's great too; we've got a whole list we haven't finished going through yet.

Minigames are a lot easier to run than contests -- there's no voting phase, so you don't have to put up that post, or count the votes. However, we'd ideally have 3-4 minigames running at all times, most of which last a week or so, so if we have 3-4 mods like we hope to, that'd be one game per person at all times.

Also note that you will not be able to participate in some minigames.

• Thinking up and running games/activities periodically
• Awarding and tallying points for participants

Events Mod (open to someone wanting to work with etsplanations)

At the moment, ff_eventsquare doesn't necessarily need a co-mod, but if you would like to be one, feel free to apply. What Ets would like is someone who is good with deadlines, knows channels for advertising FFES/can shamelessly advertise for FFES, and can maintain one or two stalls during an event. You don't need everything on the list, but they'd be helpful.

• Plan special events and the activities that will go on
• Assemble a team of volunteers if needed and direct them in event preparations
• Check proposed point and gil amounts for the event
• Prep ff_eventsquare before the event

Social Mod (looking for 1 co-mod to work with sunflower_mynah and sai_salamander)

Mysti and Sai would like someone else to help with airship_lounge, since it's open even between games. Ideally, if someone from the American timezone would like the spot, they'd have all times covered, but anyone is free to apply!

You'd be doing general housekeeping with tags and rules, and putting up memes and discussion topics to generate activity.

• Maintaining the member directory
• Making posts and running activities in the comm
• Posting birthday greetings

Team Mods

Team mods are in charge of keeping their comm active -- posting reminders, facilitating discussions, getting members pumped, etc. There's really a variety of things team mods do. If you have any questions about it, you can always ask your current team mod.

• Posting reminders
• Keeping the team comm active; building rapport among members
• Promoting team spirit and competitiveness AS WELL AS encouraging harmony between competing teams
• Being a link between individual team members and the mod team

Open positions:

Black Mage Co-Mod (looking for 1~ co-mod to work with virago_queen)

Black mages are currently covered for mods, as the_404_error will stay if no one else wants to co-mod. However, she'd like to step down if anyone else wants to co-mod.

Dragoon Mod / Co-Mod (looking for 1-2 mods)

Dragoons currently have no mods, as the_cosmos_girl is going to be too busy to do it, and surmise didn't respond to the roll call.

Monk Mod / Co-Mod (looking for 1-2 mods)

Monks currently have no mods, as freijya didn't respond to the roll call (and has been pretty busy in general, I think?)

Soldier Co-Mod (looking for 1 co-mod to work with Breyzy of breyzyyin)

It's not completely necessary, but Breyzy would like a co-mod if possible, since she's pretty busy.

Thief Mod / Co-Mod (looking for 1-2 mods)

Man, it's kinda weird. sai_salamander and I have been thief mods ever since the start of everything. *coughs* However, Sai is stepping down, and I am no longer a part of the team, so thieves will have no mods as of next game.

White Mage Co-Mod (looking for 1-2 co-mods to work with Yin of breyzyyin)

Yin is getting really busy, and would like to have a couple co-mod.

Deadline: Sunday, April 8th, 2012

mod applications

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