
Mar 25, 2012 12:35

Hi guys! I know we've been pretty quiet on the announcement front, and no one's really sure what's going on right now. We've been a bit stagnant on the mods side, too, since everyone was busy, and with all the neutral mods, no one was taking charge. We finally got most things figured out, and there are a few big, important changes.

1. chacusha is stepping down as head/neutral mod, and I am taking over for now. As a result, I am now no longer a part of Team Thief, and Tako will be joining Team Black Mage.

2. zerrat is stepping down from all her duties, including that of neutral mod. In other words, we are in need of neutral mods again.

3. Several other mod positions will also be opening up. The mod application post will be made shortly.

4. We will announce the results for Game 3 very soon. We're just finishing up some last-minute tallies. Thank you for your patience!

5. Game 4 will start at the start of May, assuming we can get everything done before then, which we should be able to. In the meantime, please note that airship_lounge is very active and memetastic right now, and the gil cap has been pushed up for it, so please have fun and earn lotsa shinies. :D

6. There will be a mod evaluation and comm evaluation post up soon. Please take the time to give us feedback so we can make the next game better.

7. There will be a members cut soon! A proper one this time! Of course, even if you haven't been active, you can comment to stay in the comm; we won't kick you out. However, if you want to ninja in some activity right now, airship_lounge is a great place for that. :DD

8. There will be a slight change in the way polls are done, especially for yes/no questions. Polls will give the option of how strongly you feel about a certain stance, instead of just agreeing or not. As well, comments will be taken into more consideration than before, especially in the case of close votes. And even if we rule against you, if you comment and explain what you want or need, we'll try to accommodate that as best as possible. So, um, please comment if you have the time to! If you want to avoid arguments and debates, feel free to e-mail or PM me your suggestions and such instead, and I'll present them for you. You don't have to comment if you don't want to, but it's much encouraged. Your vote will still count! But if you comment, we can better understand your point of view and factor that into the decision.

9. In the end, we decided not to move to Dreamwidth. The split was around 50/50, but in the end, we felt we would lose too many members and mods if we moved. We'll be keeping a backup there, but for now, the comm is staying here on Livejournal.


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