Members Clean-Up

Oct 07, 2011 01:57

Hello everyone! This is your resident tonberry doing some stabbitying work! Everyone please read!

First of all! Alliances! I know, decoupling always makes me sad, too, but hey, it's a great chance to know more people better!

The alliances this time will be:
Black Mages and Monks
Dragoons and Thieves
Soldiers and White MagesSo. Uh. ...I'm very bad ( Read more... )

members cut, alliances

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zerrat October 7 2011, 11:11:11 UTC
Team O... T... P...

Oh, I see how it is.


arivess October 7 2011, 14:48:31 UTC
IT WASN'T ME IT WAS ETS. >.> But yes. You're Team OTP. XP


etsplanations October 7 2011, 16:21:22 UTC
*whistles innocently*

Yay, though! I look forward to working with team smashyfists! :D


naliarenegade October 7 2011, 20:35:47 UTC
Umm... I feel super dumb, but does someone want to explain why we're team OTP?


zerrat October 8 2011, 02:30:28 UTC
Don't feel dumb, Nali, I had to ask too (...and apparently it's about me. -_-;)

Those guys are just being silly, because ireth_oronra and I are going to be on the same alliance. She's my girlfriend of five years, and apparently we're the most active couple on FF_land. There are a lot here, but one half is often very quiet.

The real alliance name will get voted on when the alliances officially begin.


virago_queen October 8 2011, 02:45:41 UTC
Don't blame us for shipping cuteness where we see it! xD

(I only tease my friends, honest. ^_^ How else are you supposed to know I like you?)


zerrat October 8 2011, 03:11:33 UTC
Only cuteness I see is Liv. XD

(also: touché, V. Touché.)


virago_queen October 8 2011, 03:47:04 UTC
See, see? YOU'RE DOING IT RIGHT NOW. So adorable.


sunflower_mynah October 8 2011, 03:24:06 UTC
Seconding V. :P


ireth_oronra October 9 2011, 11:20:47 UTC
I-It means WHAT?! O_O!!!


zerrat October 9 2011, 12:10:21 UTC
I know, right?!


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