Members Clean-Up

Oct 07, 2011 01:57

Hello everyone! This is your resident tonberry doing some stabbitying work! Everyone please read!

First of all! Alliances! I know, decoupling always makes me sad, too, but hey, it's a great chance to know more people better!

The alliances this time will be:
Black Mages and Monks
Dragoons and Thieves
Soldiers and White Mages

So. Uh. ...I'm very bad at writing these posts. Anyway, as mentioned, previous alliances are now broken, and we ask everyone to please leave their alliance's community. As Tako mentioned last game, she doesn't like having the members list mismatch the watchers list, so, please voluntarily leave your alliance by clicking on the appropriate link below, make sure the ticky box to also remove the comm from your friendslist is CHECKED and then remove it. Otherwise, we could kick you, but you'd still be watching the comm, which will look very strange on the comm membership list.

Black Mages: Please leave the heavenly_lances comm at this time. I know, team BBQ and all. I'm sorry! But now you get to be Team OTP, with poster couple Snow and... and... uh... Fang-the-black-mage. I know, right? *coughs*

Dragoons: Please leave the firaga_casters comm at this time. Bye bye, team barbecue! We get to be... uh, I dunno, team flying stabbity?

Monks: Please leave the curaga_casters comm at this time. I'm sure all that healing was great for your insane HP! XD And now you get to be with more mages!

Soldiers: Please leave the gil_stealers comm at this time. Please leave behind any shinies you might have left as you exit. You're now well on your way to forming a full grinding party with a tank and healer!

Thieves: Please leave the mythril_swords comm at this time. We'll all miss Breyzy's posts, I'm sure. D: Well, I still get to see them... But we'll get to meet a lot of new people, many of whom just recently joined!

White Mages: Please leave the raging_fists comm at this time. It'll be hard to top all that monk enthusiasm! But you'll get a new team of awesome tanks of really awesome!

If you have not left your allied comm by the time the second game starts, I'll boot you manually. But yes, we would prefer if everyone could help us out by leaving the comms before then. What, I'm not copy-pasting from Tako's post.

Second, members cut!

A members cut will be taking place on Monday, October 31st. If your name is on the list below and you'd like to stay in the comm, please comment here by then (just say "Here" or "I'd like to stay" or whatever). ff_land does NOT have an activity requirement, so it doesn't matter if you've participated recently or not -- if you comment saying you want to stay, you'll be kept. This is just to give us a more accurate idea of team sizes.

On the other hand, if you're reading this and you'd like to leave the community entirely, please first let me know, and then (similar to above) leave the following comms: your team comm, airship_lounge, ff_minigames, moogle_workshop, ultima_arena, and ff_eventsquare. This makes it easier for me to manage the watchers list. No hard feelings! :)












1. I'm sorry, guys, I've been a little too lazy to dig through every result post and every AL/MWS entry and every comment for ff_classchange, so, uh. The members cut list was mostly based off of gil earned in this game. Most of the people on this list have absolutely 0 gil, but some have 100-300-ish, which means some have participated! Marginally! I'm pretty sure none of it was recent, but if it was, I'm very sorry for putting you on this list! In any case, a comment is all you need to stay in. <3

2. If you have not left your team comm by the time Game 3 starts AND you have not been active in ff_land for 2+ months, your name will be added to this cut list.

3. If you have accidentally left a community you didn't mean to and you need to be invited back, just let me know. :)

4. If team mods could occasionally remind people to leave their allied comms/check this member cut list, in case people missed this post or are on hiatus, that would be much appreciated. :)

5. Alliances will be re-invited at the start of Game 3, so as to... uh... ...I'm not sure what that will accomplish. Eek Tako do I invite the people we're cutting or not? Maybe I'll send out PMs then...

6. On an interesting note, if anyone wants to know, the number of active members for this game would be:
Black Mages - 10/11
Dragoons - 7/8 (or, 8/9 if we count thedrowned)
Monks - 6/11
Soldiers - 6/11
Thieves - 7/7
White Mages - 8/14

members cut, alliances

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