Er, uh, Hi

Aug 17, 2009 14:30

Holy Smackerel, it's been ages since I've been on LJ... I'm kind ofa knucklehead about passwords & stuff like that & with tons of email accounts spread all over the planet like errant sperm, it's quite a feat that I've been able to recover my identity here... whew! Like most modern Geek Quixote's I'm twittering these days, name: @fezwrecker, natch --

So update, cliuffnotes: Closed the Speakeasy at the end of March 2009, due to new owners' wish of a rent increase... searched for new location, but burn-out forced a split zwischen me & partner, so became an event Brand©...

So onto bigger & better -- joined forces sponsoring La Fete Fatale (dot. de), started new gig as host/emcee/Compere/Conferencier for burlesque shows -- seemes like a natural fit... almost my 'calling' if you will (and you will)...

Back in the workforce too -- will be teaching technical englisch to the good folks at Air Berlin (hope to get some travel perks, but seems doubtful),

and I'll be doing some shifts at the Absinth Depot.
Promise tyo post more pics & links n stuff when I get my proverbial shit together.

Just wanted to keep in touch yo.
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