Before doing anything such as defaulting on cards, go to your mom's and borrow my Dave Ramsey book from her. Plus, spend some time at his website, He has talked to lots of people with the exact same credit card problems.
Also, he's going to be in Atlanta on 9/19. Donna and I are going to hear his talk. Think you would be interested in going? I think it's going to be very informative and useful.
For the doggies and the fleas, you can also try a good flea dip shampoo. I know what you mean about meds though. I need to get the Pugs up to date on all their shots and get more heartworm meds.
Comments 2
Also, he's going to be in Atlanta on 9/19. Donna and I are going to hear his talk. Think you would be interested in going? I think it's going to be very informative and useful.
For the doggies and the fleas, you can also try a good flea dip shampoo. I know what you mean about meds though. I need to get the Pugs up to date on all their shots and get more heartworm meds.
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