
Apr 01, 2007 23:14

Well there really is no substance to this update besides what I'm putting uder the cut. It's a conversation between my sister and I that I'm putting up for no reason other than I wanted to post. And since I couldn't think of anything I wanted to write about here, I'm using the conversation instead.

And yes, this was where the conversation actually started, you haven't missed anything...

jessie little: ok
jessie little: can you measure the heels so that i know how tall they are>
Faye: 3 inches
jessie little: thank you
jessie little: patches looks really fat in that picture where she is looking at the camera
Faye: well ann didn't say anything about her weight when she went to the vet
Faye: she's just solid
Faye: very solid
Faye: all muscle
jessie little: very solid
Faye: that she hasn't learned how to use
jessie little: she isnt the best cat to have standing on you
Faye: nope
jessie little: ah, this is what zukii was eating in his chaleng
Faye: what??
jessie little: Wankou soba is eaten in a very interesting way. As soon as you finish a bite-size portion of soba in a lacquered bowl, a server calls out and tosses the next portion into your empty bowl. Once you become full, you announced that you've finished by placing the lid back on the bowl. And it isn't proper to do so when there are still noodles left in your bowl. I ate it once, and it's very light, so you can eat a lot of this!
Faye: oh
Faye: yeah
jessie little: poor endou
Faye: oh yeah
Faye: poor thing
jessie little: i think he had the funniest "end" to his eating
Faye: yeah he did
jessie little: the poor thing was really about to barf
Faye: yes
Faye: i thought he was going to
Faye: didn't think he was going to make it
jessie little: i dont think any of the others really got that bad
Faye: no
jessie little: but i bet he can look back on it and laugh
jessie little: alough at the time he probily never wanted to see food agian
Faye: yeah
jessie little: that had to be bad for all of them, having to eat and then watching someone else go through it
jessie little: i think that would make it even worse
Faye: maybe
jessie little: they were already feeling bad, and then they had to watch someone else a ton of food
Faye: yeah
jessie little: not a good combination
jessie little: hehehe
jessie little: good combination
jessie little: get it?
Faye: yes
jessie little: which icon make you laugh?
Faye: the one you had there
Faye: whivhever that was
jessie little: probibly the seme one
jessie little: was that it?
Faye: yeah yeah
jessie little: ha
jessie little: you just find it funny cause the first time you saw it i randomly sent it to you while you were talking to jake
Faye: i didn't even remember that
Faye: he hasn't called me tongiht
jessie little: you need to brake up with him
Faye: didn't call me last night, but he was working
Faye: break
Faye: yes i know
jessie little: whatever
jessie little: and i though i was bad when i needed to break up with james
Faye: ha ha
jessie little: at least i hadn't been dating him on and off for around 5 years
Faye: yeah yeha
Faye: shut up
jessie little: or has it been longer
Faye: 6 years now
jessie little: wow
Faye: yeah really
jessie little: oh yeah
jessie little: thats a good relationship
Faye: or a crazy one
jessie little: you know i could do for you what my freinds did for me when they finaly got fed up with the james situation
jessie little: i was being sarcastic
Faye: oh yeah that would go over well
Faye: i still want to be friends with jake you know
jessie little: then let him down gently
Faye: gently gently
jessie little: tell him that hes driving off the deap end and you really just want to be friends
jessie little: but that this is the end of your relstionship as bf/gf
Faye: yes i know what i need to do
Faye: i promise you that
jessie little: but not as freinds
Faye: yeah yeah
jessie little: cause you still want to be friends
jessie little: what are you promising
Faye: that i know what i need to do
jessie little: so...?
jessie little: when are you going to do it?
Faye: leave me alone
jessie little: cause you know plans are good
jessie little: but spur of the moment means you dont have to obsess and work yourself up
Faye: leave me alone
Faye: ljldkhg;lshdfg
jessie little: i've reduced you to keyboard smashing?
Faye: yes
Faye: you have
jessie little: ahahahahahaha
Faye: i want to write something
Faye: something soemthing something
jessie little: then writ something
jessie little: or do what i do
jessie little: get in a evil mood and wait for ppl to figure it out
Faye: what?????
jessie little: and laugh when they have no idea that you really want o bash their brains in for being so ignorant
jessie little: that was my random advice for the day
Faye: okayyyyy
jessie little: this is funny
Faye: ok
jessie little: \this is part of someone's comment for a episode of ddboys on ypoutube, where at the begining shirota is his dorky/hyper best
jessie little: Uh, guys, you didn't put the sugar up high enough out of Shirotan's reach!
jessie little: when i read that the first thing that poped up in my mind was that if they did that, they probibly wouldn't hardily be able to reach it at all, cause shirota's the tallest
Faye: that's the truth
jessie little: and it was just funny to me
Faye: they'd have to get a ladder
jessie little: yeah
jessie little: they would
jessie little: i've got a massive blister on my heel from wearing those shoes
jessie little: i've got blisteres on both feet, but its only really bad on my right foot
Faye: i was just looking back at out conversation and it's pretty funny
jessie little: what?
Faye: the first half of it is pretty much you talking to yourself
Faye: my answers are one word
jessie little: what?
Faye: this conversation
jessie little: i think its about even
jessie little: the conversation
Faye: not the beginnin
Faye: g
jessie little: although, we do tend to shift topics randomly and dramaticaly
Faye: yesss
jessie little: cause one min we are on somethingand the next its compleaty different
Faye: yeah
Faye: i still want to write something
Faye: give me something
jessie little: um
jessie little: i dont
jessie little: know
jessie little: ohojhoho
Faye: that's not an asnwer
jessie little: write some ryomacest please
jessie little: cause there just isnt much
Faye: ohhh that could take some doing
Faye: that would be interesting
Faye: very interesting
jessie little: yes!
Faye: hmmm
jessie little: i am a good muse
Faye: give me more to go on then
jessie little: haha
jessie little: worms named thomas
jessie little: that wsant a topic
jessie little: it was just me being random cause yanagi is too cute for his own good
Faye: yes that's not helping
jessie little: although, it thomas could make an aperance it would be funny
Faye: Thomas was put on a hook and fed to the fish
jessie little: we dodnt know that for sure
Faye: this isn't getting me anywhere
jessie little: or maybe there is a thomas II
jessie little: okok
jessie little: um lets see
jessie little: well, what type of fic do you want to write
jessie little: romance, action give me somethng here
jessie little: angst?
jessie little: emo?
Faye: well I seem to do introspective angst the most
Faye: that's what's easiest to write
jessie little: well, you could take the easy route and do something with yanagi's acident
jessie little: ohohpoih i kw
jessie little: i know
Faye: I don't think I'd do well in the fluff department
Faye: what?
Faye: or humour
jessie little: i read this one fic
Faye: ok
Faye: hey I don't want to copy anyone
Faye: I like to be original you know. At least somewhat
jessie little: yanagi said that his life hadn't been ruined, it had beed changed
jessie little: or something like that
Faye: hmmm
Faye: I can go with that
jessie little: i know
jessie little: i knpow
Faye: I can do that!
jessie little: i was saving this line for the never going to be writen yanagi fic
jessie little: so you can you i
jessie little: you can use it
jessie little: yanagi says
jessie little: i dont want there to be a before and after, I want for there to be a now
Faye: oh that's good
Faye: so you read a fic with this in it?
jessie little: thank you thank you
jessie little: the before and after part ?on
jessie little: no
jessie little: that is staight from me
jessie little: and has never been said, that i know of
Faye: No the idea in general
jessie little: alough, in my mind
jessie little: his not thinking it
Faye: I thought you said you got it from a fic?
jessie little: hes saying it to someone
Faye: or read a fic?
Faye: or maybe you were tlaking about writing one?
Faye: that's a very good line
jessie little: i got the whole yanagi saying that his life had been changed not ruined from a fic
Faye: how did that fic go?
Faye: what was it about?
Faye: I've probably read it
jessie little: but even before i read that i had though of that line for a fic that i will probibly never write
Faye: and I don't want mine to be too similar
jessie little: i dont remeber the fic
Faye: you stink
jessie little: i just remember the line
Faye: yeah I remember that too
jessie little: it was back in tenimyu slash
Faye: I should check my memories, I probably have in in there
jessie little: but the before and after part is totaly mine
Faye: I have pretty much ever ryomacest fic I've found
Faye: right I go thtat
jessie little: and that fic was him thinking it
jessie little: but my idea has him talking/ quietly shouting it at someone
Faye: I wasn't think of it that way
Faye: I'll see
jessie little: cause you know, eveyone tends to think in befores and afters, and he doesnt want for there to be a before and after, he is still himself, and he just want it to be now
Faye: I had this idea for a sairui fic
jessie little: r something like that
Faye: yeah I like i
Faye: t
jessie little: damn
jessie little: know i want to write it
jessie little: oh i know
Faye: you make no sense something
Faye: sometimes
jessie little: given what i have said we both write our own vresions, and then we compaire
Faye: yes we should do that
jessie little: and share
Faye: no more talking
jessie little: ok
Faye: right
Faye: ok
jessie little: have fun
Faye: I'm not going to write it right now
Faye: need some time to think about it
jessie little: i am
jessie little: whiole its till freash in my head
Faye: on the other hand, I've had this idea for a sairui fic in my head
jessie little: ok
jessie little: do tell
Faye: since I wrote that other one
jessie little: casue they are my other OTP
Faye: and it wouldn't exactly be a continuation
Faye: what's your first?
jessie little: sue me i have two OTPs
jessie little: umm
Faye: like I care
jessie little: tyomacest
Faye: interesting
jessie little: follwed very closly by sairui
jessie little: and then, latly i like stuff with aidachi
Faye: the idea was about Saitou not paying Ruito much attention after they were done with tenimyu
jessie little: cause hes just way to cute and skinny not to be loved
jessie little: ah huh
Faye: and was sort of inspired by KY's video too
Faye: and Ruito wanting to stand out so that Saitou would notice him
jessie little: yeah yeah, go on
Faye: and it wouldn't be a continuation of that other one
Faye: more like it would be during DL4th practices and all
Faye: hearing others talk about him
Faye: and Ruito wouldn't have seen him, and then he wasn't in DL4th
Faye: hey did you know they did Depend of Me in DL4th
jessie little: nope
jessie little: they did
jessie little: thats golden pair right?
Faye: seems that was what all the hype was about with what's his name visitng BLEACH rehearsals
Faye: yeah
jessie little: huh?
Faye: was in St. Rudolph
jessie little: bleach?
jessie little: you lost me
Faye: the newest Oishi visted bleach rehearsals
jessie little: oh ok
Faye: and couldn't talk to Tuti or something, so then Tuti visited DL4th rehearsals
jessie little: and...?
Faye: right yes
jessie little: ok
Faye: so he was probably visitng because of Depend on Me
Faye: maybe
jessie little: and nagayama went at some point to
Faye: same time as Tuti
jessie little: ah
Faye: I believe there were quite a few of them that went
jessie little: can the new oishi sing?
jessie little: yeah, it seemed that way
Faye: don't have a clue
jessie little: ok
jessie little: has she put up dl1 yet?
Faye: Did that fic idea sound interesting to you?
Faye: no
jessie little: um yeah
Faye: I will tell you when she does
Faye: so you'd read it?
jessie little: you better
jessie little: yeah i would
jessie little: now let me write while i'm all inspired
Faye: you liked the idea?
Faye: really
jessie little: yes
Faye: okay
Faye: I just want to make sure it sounds good to someone besides me. I mean no one responds to my fics so I don't know what other people think of them. Sometimes it feels like the only person I'm entertaining or involving is myself
Faye: and that gets kind of lonely
Faye: even if I do like the fic
jessie little: yes
jessie little: damn it let me type
Faye: sorry sorry
jessie little: what do i do with it

You have sent 1 photo to jessie little.

Faye: what?
jessie little: what didd you just send me?
Faye: I don't know
jessie little: you didnt send me anything?
Faye: I didn't know I sent somehting to you
Faye: not on purpose
Faye: what did I send to you?
jessie little: im not opeaning it
Faye: I'm posting or conversation to my lj just because i felt like posting
Faye: ourconverstation
jessie little: what part of it?
Faye: the whole thing
jessie little: and tell me that your goin g to make it readable
Faye: I think i sent you a picture of the little magnifying glass
Faye: somehow
jessie little: you know, niot let everyone know how bad my typing is?
Faye: I"m leaving it alone
jessie little: nnoooooooo
Faye: I don't want to
Faye: I think i'm going to bed
jessie little: everyone will thing i cant type or spell or something
Faye: and.....
jessie little: huh
jessie little: not nice
jessie little: hurry up and write your version of the ryomacest thing
jessie little: cause i want to be able to share mine
jessie little: not that im done
Faye: well I have to let it sit for awhile
Faye: think about it some
jessie little: ok
Faye: I'll work on it tomorrow
jessie little: ok
Faye: I won't take forever
Faye: promise
Faye: let's set a date
jessie little: um
jessie little: wednesday sound good
Faye: sounds fine
Faye: that'll give me some time for editing
jessie little: ok
jessie little: yeah
Faye: dont' mention it before then
jessie little: cause i suck at grammer and stuff
jessie little: fine i wont
Faye: don't want us influencing each toher
jessie little: yeah
Faye: the only rules are that we use that line, and it has to do with the accident?
jessie little: wait
Faye: and features yanagi
Faye: and then endou somehow
jessie little: some version of that line
Faye: some version
jessie little: casue i have an even better version
Faye: I liked that version
jessie little: its basicaly the same thing
Faye: okay okay
Faye: as long as it's the same thing pretty much
jessie little: just instead of i only it to be now, im still me or something like that
Faye: right right
jessie little: ok then
Faye: okay so Wed night we trad
Faye: e
jessie little: ok
Faye: lovely
jessie little: and post
Faye: and post
jessie little: ok
jessie little: good luck
Faye: sheesh I have a deadline
Faye: I've never worked with one of those before
jessie little: you think thats bad
jessie little: i have a rough draft due tuesday
Faye: ha ha ha ha
jessie little: and the finaly copy due thurs
Faye: I need to start on that Lincoln paper
Faye: get some research done for it
jessie little: but its a short paper
Faye: good
jessie little: only 3-4 papes
Faye: oh that's not bad
jessie little: no
jessie little: its really not
jessie little: i talked with the professor about it and she pretty much gave me an outline for my paper
jessie little: so all i have to do is actualy write it
Faye: very good
jessie little: yep
Faye: well I'm going to bed. early classes in teh morning
jessie little: i have early classes too!
Faye: yeah well go to sleep then
jessie little: but i wont be going to bed for a little while
Faye: right cause you're writing
Faye: but I don't have that problem
jessie little: cause jen only just went to sleep
jessie little: and for some reason i hate the idea of tryng to go to sleep when she is still awake
Faye: you're insane
Faye: I"m leaving now
jessie little: yeah iknow
jessie little: ok
jessie little: goodnight
Faye: night
Faye: have fun writing
jessie little: es
jessie little: yes*

It's pretty long conversation, and half of it will probably mean nothing to anyone else, but there is some talking about a fic we're both writing near the end and around the middle. And also a fic that I'm thinking about writing.
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