As I mentioned in my post last week, I have been making jewelry like a motherfucker. Yesterday I finally had to stop, clean up, and distance myself from the beads. Why, because if I didn't I would just sit there making shit and never get around to actually selling any of it (The result is that I ended up knitting a foot and a half of my re-knit
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Eyeballs and leaves. Although, I don't wear much jewelry, so what do I know?
I like the all-star bracelet also. The variation in color/cluster of stars. Very nice.
I'd probably just wear the shot through the heart and eye necklaces. I'd get irritated by dangly things at my wrists. Not good with the bracelets.
I like the all star bracelet too, but it's too big for me. Well, that's prolly a good thing, cause that means I'll sell it and not keep it for myself.
I really like the shot through the heart and eye necklaces, they are also things I would wear.
How much would/someone pay for these? Ballpark-ish? Any ideas?
Not knowing the cost of sterling silver...
$10.00, topping at doubling the value of the piece? Although I've seen costume jewelry that's plated sterling or sterling in the $50.00-$100 range- I think it depends on the bulk of the item.
My brain now hurts.
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