Feb 13, 2010 00:42
Reasons why the opening ceremony for the Vancouver Olympics was better than Beijing's:
1) Winter games are just better (imo...but seriously, they are).
2) Saun White is the most adorable thing ever. He's like a giddy Irish Setter on a snowboard. With floppy hair.
3) Apolo Anton Ohno being...there...somewhere. He might not have even been at the actual ceremony. But his SPIRIT was present and probably wearing spandex.
4) Both 2 and 3 kind of contribute to 1. Which is like a super combo attack.
5) Fiddles. Fiddles, people. Being played by awesome punkish dancers. With sparkler shoes. Did I mention the fiddles?
That tops a zillion raver-drummers-platform-walkers-ect any day.
....really, though, Saun White = Irish Setter puppy. I WANT TO KEEP HIM IN MY POCKET FOR ALWAYS.
I think I should go to bed before I start in on a 'Why Supernatural is The Best Thing Ever, Furreals' because that will just be repeating about a hundred other posts. but omg I love Mary and Dean and Cas so damn much ahhhhhhhhhh some other time....going now.