in the interest of distraction...

May 06, 2009 18:39

You Need Friends to Be Happy
You are a friendly, social person. You seek out connections and relationships.
Being close to others is very important to you, and you don't like discord.

You feel great when you're cooperating and working with others. You enjoy belonging to a group.
Nothing makes you feel worse that feeling alone or alienated. You want to be liked by those around you.
What Do You Need to Be Happy?

To those who heard and were wondering, I'm fine. Apparently I was out for quite awhile, but now I'm just tired, sore, and uncomfortable. And bored. But I'm fine, I promise. If anyone has anyone questions, I'm certainly bored enough to answer them thoroughly.

[locked to those who know about the affair, except Perry]

Now I'm just dealing with a very distrungled and suspicious farmer husband, a worried and guilty billionaire lover, a newspaper editor who is valiantly pretending not to be in love with me, a best friend who is threatening to drop kick the hell out of the aforementioned lover, a son afraid to say what he's thinking, and a daughter who is blissfully oblivious. Other than that, and a giant headache, I'm fine. Help?

friend: perry white, friend: lionel luthor, family: grace, family: lois, family: clark, what: lionel fails at driving, [memes part deux], family: jonathan

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