to LJ that is. I blame
sandboxdiva for the idea but I think I am okay with that. She laid down the gauntlet this evening, challenging us to post every day until the end of the year. While this might be difficult while I am on the road, but I am gonna try.
I went back to work today after a weeks vacation to get ready and to deal with my awesome brother in law, sister in law, and two of their four kids, and their little tiny dog, Joplin. We did have a great Thanksgiving and weekend, but man am I glad to have my house back to just the three of us.
But anyway, SUCKS. And not in the I'm bored with my job way or my boss is an idiot way, it's the OMG there is so much work and it won't stop and there is NO way it's ever going to stop and if it doesn't stop soon I am going to pull all my hair out, roundhouse the person who asks me a question and run out of the office screaming. No really, I'm thinking about it. Okay maybe not. But I am thinking about a new job hunt that needs to begin. Once I get my vacation in and my resume together. It will also depend on what my review says at the end of the year, if it is really good I will stay around for my bonus, if not, I'll start the hunt sooner.
That is if I can last that long. Which is kind of dependent on how much longer I can take the Mr. Sourpuss that my coworker has become. Yes, it is bad. You all know it's bad, I certainly have been whining about it enough, but does he really need to take it out on everyone else? I guess I have just past the stage of being so pissed off at all of it. I am just kind of putting up with the crappy, know we are making a crap ton (metric unit if you care) of mistakes, we are being blamed for other things, AND get no respect from our colleagues, time of it. I wonder if the idea that my therapist put in my brain a while ago has finally sunk in something to the affect of "Control the situation as much as you can, but let go of the outcome." Such as train as much as I can but when people don't get it, or chose not to do it as quickly or as well as you do let it go, you've done what you can.
Or maybe I just had a weeks vacation and haven't fully gotten back into sullen mode.
Eh, it doesn't matter, I leave for L.A. on Friday to join
memerath in returning her car back to the east coast. Yes, driving across country with another photog, I can not wait.