(no subject)

Mar 19, 2012 21:56

I actually don't give a crap about friend cuts, but with everyone leaving LJ (seems that way, at least), I just wanna say nice knowing you all... deserters. :p I just don't think LJ is for superficial things like that, so I didn't really care, but anyway... Feel free to cut me with no regrets; I understand perfectly. I'm not here as often as I used to be anyway. :)

Parting gift?

The more I read of Viz's Yuu Yuu Hakusho, the more I think I should stop. Since I know jack squat about the Japanese language, and while I have absolutely nothing against [reasonable] localization, I can't appreciate the translation. At all. OK, so maybe Yuusuke and the others really have this odd punk way of talking in the original Japanese dialog, but... it's like reading a Harold Robbins novel set in the 1900s, with an uneducated hick for a protagonist... even if it's Yuusuke we're talking about here.

I can't help thinking that the translations are meant not for the English-speaking market in general, but for Americans in particular. Well, duh, of course. In any case, there's nothing wrong with that; they don't have to cater to ~everyone~. Still, ugh. (Insert dismayed face I make whenever I get the feeling the U.S. proclaims itself the only country in the world.)

All those apostrophes in place of omitted letters are fine. Gangster talk for gangsters is, too. Great, even, for a manga full of punks. There are some lines, however, that go completely over my head. Slang, colloquial terms, even the flow itself... eek! Such a shame I'm not a native English speaker, or I'd probably understand half of them. Probably.

"My Yusuke's not done with that muscle-bound yahoo!" - Atsuko
"...Wha' hoppen?" - Keiko (and no, that's not a typo)
Mitarai says, "Wait for me!" and both Kurama and Botan reply with a "You bet!" - I know what they mean, but the exchange makes me hurr.

As Kuwabara oh-so-elegantly said in one of the scenes, "What the ding-dong?!" Indeed, Kuwabara... (Also, the fact that Toguro "Kyaaah"-ed really amused me. Of course, it's not that kind of kya~, but that's not the point.)

Btw, still raging that The Hunger Games isn't available on IMAX. My body was ready for it, what the hey. Q: キャラクターについて

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