(no subject)

Jan 18, 2012 10:47

Hello! Wow, I haven't been here in over a month. How have you guys been? How's 2012 starting out?

As usual, my life is never without problems, but whose isn't? Amusingly enough, though, it's currently lovelife-related. No, I'm not in love...which, apparently, is the problem. At almost 25, not only is being diploma-less unfortunate, being loveless is, as well!

Case #1: My daaaaad is saying crazy things like having "the house" built primarily in preparation for my future, i.e., when I get-shudder-married (jeezuz, to whom?!). I think it's time I tell him that I do not believe in marriage. I can just imagine the horrified look on his face and the sermon that follows. (Read: I can't see myself commit to someone till death do us part.)

Case #2: My "best cousin" has a short-term teaching contract at Pisay, and the younger brother of a certain co-teacher is so interested in her, he sent a huge box of astronomically expensive chocolates for Christmas. Guy wants to date cousin and suggests they each bring "someone" to double with. Cousin has been persuading pestering me to go for weeks! I really don't want to because (1) I'm close with her ex, and I still can't get over their break-up after six years of admirable relationship, and, (2) more importantly, I'm not interested in blind dates. Period. Boo. (Read: I'd feel bad if I were rejected.)

Case #3: This poses the biggest problem right now. I always attend a friend and her sister's annual joint birthday bash, and I've missed it only once in seven years we've known each other. (You might remember I write about this every year.) She sent this suspiciously pushy message last week that ended with, "YOU CAN'T MISS IT! YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO BE THERE!!!" Verbatim. She practically lived in our apartment back in college, so I know her well enough to know when something's up. After digging around, I found out that they'll be trying to hook me up with an acquaintance's former officemate.

This guy "friended" me on Facebook after I "liked" a link to a hilarious picture he posted as a comment on the acquaintance's status. I saw no harm in accepting because I don't log in frequently, the only personal info on my page are my name and the fact that I studied at various UP campuses, and he seems pretty tight with friend and acquaintance. After a couple of exchanged messages, he asked to meet up "some time," to which I replied a "maybe."

According to my informant (lol ~~~ making acquaintances of friend's friends is really useful), he's been invited to friend's party and has inquired about my attendance. I say to friend that I know what she's doing and I'm against it. Friend thinks it's high time I get myself a boyfriend, that it's been over five years since I've had one, and that I must be sexually frustrated by now (it's funny, yes, but darn, is that the truth, haha!). She and her-friends-turned-my-acquaintances vouch for this 27-year-old guy. No problem.

I don't think the guy is bad, actually. He looks nice, seems smart, and is financially stable (from what I gather anyway). He's older, which is a plus, but not so tall, which is not. He seems interested, which is awesome, but I'm not (so far), which is awful. He's an atheist: great. Perhaps. He seems to have a very strong personality: not so much. (I'm an alpha female; I prefer someone weaker I can boss around, heh.) Sure, stuff that go against preferences can be overlooked, but there's this one thing I'm particularly concerned with: he has extreme awareness and opinions regarding local socioeconomic and political issues. In fact, his statuses are always about one or the other.

Five years ago, I'd probably jump into bed with him, no questions asked. However, over the years, my views have mellowed to the point that I've repeatedly referred to myself as a "retired activist." I'm not as interested in current affairs as I used to be, so I'm not sure I'll be able to stand him when he talks politics. Don't get me wrong-I find his opinions agreeable, but they're just not things I'd want to talk about nowadays. Knowing his type, he'll want to talk about them, and before we know it, we'll have numerous heated debates before we even start to go out (if we do). It appears that my past as an activist is one of the things that attracted him to me. (So they say.)

I don't want to miss this party. Friend's mom makes the best oatmeal cookies ever, and she always gives me a pack to take home whenever I visit. XD Still, I really have no room for romance right now, and the people who are going to be there will undoubtedly egg the guy and me on. They'll certainly come up with schemes to make "skinship" possible (like that kissing game they had two years ago just get two people together, gyaa!). Despite my objections ("Just because you guys are happily attached or engaged or married doesn't mean I have to be!" or "I'm too busy with school and work to even entertain the thought."), every single person who knows this guy is encouraging love to bloom. Don't mind this, it's just very long rambling. Tl;dr, this guy is interested and aggressively making moves, while I'm not and just want to get away. I don't usually get pressured when it comes to this. I'm sure that, if the guy is really decent, we'll get along fine as friends.

To be honest, I think it's scary and unsettling that people-even my own parents and close friends-seem to think that my biological clock is ticking and that it's worrying (...what?) that I haven't had someone for a long time when I'm not even that concerned about it. I mean, what gives? -_-

Haaa. So, everything else: Boomer passed away; wrote about it but didn't have the heart to post the entry; still heartbroken; keeping myself busy. School is terrible; work is boring; family is a nuisance. Nothing new. Except a WD 2TB external hard drive, Ricky Lee's new novel (Si Amapola sa 65 na Kabanata, P300-why are local publications so expensive when they use such shitty-quality papers?) which is going to be a challenge to read, and a pair of jeans and a blouse from a certain [expensive] brand. First time I gave in to "retail therapy," and it did not feel good at all.

P.S. Chihayafuru has an animé?! WTH MUST WATCH! So that's why the scanslations are coming relatively fast, ohoho. I miss writing about manga and animé, sob, sob.
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