Nice interview,
motioncity44! I finally read that today (and left a comment). *ahem* Star Wars parody!
Hmm, news? I quit my ad selling job. It was giving me extreme anxiety. I feel really bad about saying I could do it and being all falsely enthusiastic about it and then just quitting a couple weeks later. But Jim was really nice about it. He understands.
More new friends! Yay! There's this guy working at the Subway attached to Mobil. His name is James. He's fairly new and he's super nice. Not to mention, kinda cute. One day after work, I offered to help him clean up since there's so much work to be done after Subway closes. He said he was alright but that he'd take me up on that offer the next night he worked. So, I ended up helping him a couple times, and we talked a lot and joked around. He started out doing this handshake thing with me when I'd leave, but now I've graduated to getting hugs from him. He says he hugs all his friends. So, hey, we're friends now. Cool. :) Oh, and we're totally gonna hang out someday. He likes Guitar Hero too. I've challenged him to a GH face-off, but we'll have to hold off on that until after I come back from Connecticut.
And that brings me to my next point. I leave in three days! Yay! I can't wait! I get to see my Carmy and meet her boyfriend again and all her new friends over in CT. She's gonna show me around and we're gonna party it up and have a blast. It's gonna be so awesome!
I plan on making a tape for Carmen. I'm gonna go around town and my house and just record silly stuff and ask her if she misses any of it. Her birthday's coming up soon. Just a month away. It'll be great!
As for 24 tonight,
I have only this to say: MILO, NOOOOOOOO!!!! :( Otherwise, it was a good episode.
Well, I'll probably go to Colin's house tonight. He's gonna come with me to exercise at Snap. It's fun having a friend do it with me.
P.S. Megan! We're totally gonna jam on Guitar Hero too! I will defeat all! Bow to my musical talents. I am awesome at pressing buttons! :D