May 30, 2006 18:35
I feel like there is something I should say. Spew my mind or say something quasi-informative about my life in general. But it seems to be stuck. As the sun is starting its decent this evening it is actually nice out. The humidity has gone away, although my room is still hot as hell b/c it didn't get warm enough downstairs to kick on the a/c. I've got this place all lined up, just working on the paperwork. I really want it to go through. It's a nice little one bedroom just big enough for my and my dream boy. I really can't wait until he moves up here. I want to introduce him to everyone and just live in the happiness. Maybe some kind of get together will be in order. Who knows? For now, I'm now done w/ SCP (aka. the doctor's office thing)for the year so that will be a much needed addition to my afternoon study/procrastination time. Other than that I guess not much unless I truly intend to further espouse my happiness as of late, but I'll save you all from vomitting in your mouths.
Until further news of happiness or tragedy - me.