Nov 26, 2009 06:42
Ah my new job is kicking my ass, seriously guys. It sucks. If anyone ever tells you working for a bank is easy tell me so I can introduce their face to my foot.
Well this holiday is going to be ferretbaby livejournal update day! I need to organize and figure out how things work here so I can get around to posting shit. Fix my tags and update everything to current status. Its been like 11 weeks (sorry Star Trek totally sucked me in guys) and thats like being in the second trimester, and finally remembering you forgot to take your birth control pills!Ok bad example but still, its been awhile.
First order: get rid of all the pink!
Second: Figure out a way for Sylar to steal Mr.Muggles for a Danny/Sylar fic I'm thinking about. There's a fandom that needs a little laugh. Sylars such a serious character (except when there's cake obviously. I crack up every time I see that scene.) and Danny is such an awesome character to play with, and trying to find a way for them to get together is rather crazy. Especially when I want to try to avoid making Danny into a mutant or Sylar into a whiny bitch, I want to keep them rather true to character and thats going to be rather hard, dog-napping aside.
Third: maybe work on some other fics I have half started? I've sadly fallen out of my superman/smallville faze, what with Kirk, Spock, and Bones and all the many pairing you can get from that awesome trio of men. Witch led to the holiness that is Pinto and all the character fic you can spawn from them. Its rather daunting. I might even hunt down my own old prompt at the kink memes and answer them? Who knows!