Oct 26, 2006 09:06
So, as usual some time has passed since the last time that I posted. Not too much new...we have discovered that we should be having a girl. I think that I will be naming her Airlea Catherine. Connor thinks the first name is a little peculiar, but I searched the name book and it was the one that I liked the best for the new baby. I am due in January.
Quinnlan is also continually getting cuter. He has discovered love for his stuffed animals. He carries them around every where that he goes, and makes sure that they are fed, and bathed. He gives his stuffed animals naps, brushes their teeth and hair, and takes them on walks. He also refuses to take naps with out them, and insists on taking them with him when goes out. He also thinks that he is a rockstar. He dug my music stand out of the closet and stands in front of the T.V. singing into it.
I am currently working on sewing some garb for Quinn for some Halloween parties that we are attending this weekend. I have the pants finished, and the doublet half done. I'm hoping to have the shirt done today so that I don't have to do it tomorrow. Well, I've got to go get quarters for laundry...so..peace out!