Feb 10, 2013 00:10
During break, Muriel, a sweet 100 (yes, she is 100 years old!) year old woman came in the dining room and asked if she could sit with Natalie, Sammy Jo, and me who were on break. Of course we said yes and I got her some coffee (which she didn't drink for the longest time because she was talking too much!) Muriel told us (several times...at her age, she tends to be forgetful) that she went to K-State, then California University where she majored in library science and lived in Huntington Beach with her husband where she was a librarian. She and her husband also lived in Independence, Missouri for awhile where her husband was from. (He died ten years ago). They were even neighbors with Harry Truman and his family before he became president, how cool is that?! I had known that before because Robyn had told me. The Truman family even attended their wedding and she said their daughter, Margaret, "was just the sweetest, nicest girl." LOL!
One of the things Muriel kept repeating was how smart her husband was and that he worked for the government. I asked her what his name was and she replied, "Robert Jay Alexander" and I go, "Wow, that sounds really official!" She told us how she thinks that women should marry men who are smarter than them and the three of us are looking at each other like, "Did she just really say that?" I could tell Sammy Jo was not happy with that statement at all because first of all, she's been very vocal about how she doesn't believe in marriage (she's still young; her opinion could change), but just the idea a girl should marry someone smarter than her is pretty damn insulting. I told Muriel I respected her opinion, but I disagreed with her. I think it's pretty fucking ridiculous for a girl to go out of her way to look for someone "smarter" than her. You obviously don't want to be with some idiot, but if the girl is the smarter one in the relationship, more power to her. This is the fucking 21st century, for God's sake! But you can't blame her - she did grow up in a sexist time!
Then there was an awkward moment where she asked us if she noticed how the "black people here" have more stature now that "our President is a black man". (She never used Obama's name - I think she forgot it!) She thought Obama was a "nice, intelligent man" and hoped he would be re-elected at the next election. We all just nodded and smiled. I think she was confused that he was already re-elected. Later, when we were in the kitchen, I brought this up and Sammy Jo goes, "OMG, that sweet little old lady is a racist!" Natalie and I agreed she's not a racist, it's just the era she grew up in. When she mentioned the "black people here", I thought she meant the black people who worked at the HP and I go, "How the hell have they changed?", but Natalie thinks she meant black people in the country which makes more sense. Obviously she grew up in a time when whites and blacks were segregated. But we all agreed it was really awkward when she brought that up.
But despite that awkward moment and the awful love advice, she was really cute and gave us all this "life advice".