what days are yu gone? we could do it that following weekend 9/15-17 if you think you could make that and it could be your bday party too? I think if we wait any longer than that though we may get too close to chilly fall weather possibilities?
We have a matress we sorta borrowed from IKEA, im wondering if we should send it back up there with you in Nov. so you'll have a guest bed. Once we unpack it I'll see how good of a matress it is.
Comments 5
you don't have to plan around me, I understand.
we'll celebrate my bday since it's on thanksgiving this year!
We have a matress we sorta borrowed from IKEA, im wondering if we should send it back up there with you in Nov. so you'll have a guest bed. Once we unpack it I'll see how good of a matress it is.
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