Jul 24, 2006 10:54
It's 5:55 am and I am wide awake sitting in front of my store in Evanston. Wow, this is early...
Life has been exceptionally well lately. The move to Chicago is going awesome. We are all settled into our new place and even got a dining room table a few days ago!
Exploring the city is taking some time, especially with our very spread thin funds right now with Shea just starting work, but we already have a regular bar, Monday night dinners, been down to Grant and Millenium park for Taste of Chicago, India Arie, 4th of July, and tuesday night free movies in the park. People are finally starting to come. Stephen and Janet last weekend and maybe this month too, Sheas best friend Mariah on my birthday weekend, and her cousin and sister mid September. Plans for the houseboat trip (9/8-10) seem to be coming along and it looks like I am going to get to go to Kathy's wedding on 9/3 in San Antonio!
We went to Detroit last weekend for my family reunion/ Grampa Jacks 75th birthday. It was a lot of fun, but also reminded Katie and I how thankful we are for not being raised in Michigan. Then this week my Mom and her new family came down to Chicago. We came up to Urban for their first time and they really loved it. We also got to hang with Alex's family and see the southside of Chicago. They were nice and being around Alex's son, his girlfriend, and their disabled child really made me reevaluate things. How could I be bitching about money earlier in the day when these people are without high school diplomas and health insurance and trying to care for a disabled kid? I also am so thankful I was not raised white trash...seriously I know it sounds superficial and cruel but I just am so glad I know there is more to life than Bud Light and Jail.
Ok, well enough rambling. My receiver still is not here and I am bored. It's 6:07 in the morning.