Tomorrow I Will Wake Up in Your Bed : Chapter 14

Jul 06, 2015 18:54

Title: Tomorrow I Will Wake Up in Your Bed : Chapter 14
Pairing: Lukas Podolski / Bastian Schweinsteiger
Rating: PG-13 (This part)
Genre: Alternate Reality / Romance
Word Count: 2,322 Words

Disclaimer: This did not actually happen, although God knows I wish.

Summary: On Bastian’s 30th Birthday, Lukas wondered what it would be like if he's in Ibiza with his best friend tonight instead of Turkey. The next morning, he woke up to find Bastian in his bed, naked and sleeping, and he’s not in Turkey anymore.

Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

A/N: You can also read this on AO3. And feedbacks, pls!

Tomorrow I Will Wake Up In Your Bed: Chapter 14

Lukas didn't really try to find a way out of here anymore.

Life went on the same as it should've been if he's in the real reality, in Lukas' opinion at least: his career, his life in London, the only differences were that his lover was Bastian instead of Monika, he's gay and he had nothing to hide from the world about it.

September segued into October as the leaves turned brown before falling to the ground, the enchanted summer had gone making way for the listless winter. After the first international call-up just for a week, he met Bastian at Dortmund when Arsenal had a match there, which they lost, but he could stay only for a night since he had a match the day after. Monika also brought Louis there because it's very close to Cologne and he also stopped by his home for two nights to be with Louis.

Monika still didn't talk to Bastian, Lukas had no idea of since when they hadn't been on good terms, he didn’t really know the history between them after all. In his reality, Bastian's always polite towards Monika if they ever had a chance to meet, which, well, wasn't much lately, and Monika, who's always reticent, would be civil towards him, too. He wondered whether Monika would allow Louis to go on holidays with them if he's to ask.

One day in autumn, Lukas went out to a bookstore near his house and half-heartedly browsed through books. He stopped by science section first, caught hold of Michio Kaku's 'Parallel Worlds' and then strayed to other sections, then his eyes caught a glimpse of a book about gems.

Lukas stopped short, his mind brought back the image of the pendant around Bastian's neck with its dazzling multi-colors dancing in the sun. Bastian also wore it sometimes when they met, like in Dortmund that day where he came to cheer for Lukas. He noticed that its colors did change to the color of green grass, then a bit to aureolin close to Borussia Dortmund's and then to crimson like Lukas' shirt, though under Germany's sun, it wasn't as resplendently flamboyant as when sparkling to Ibiza's summer sun.

He'd never known what type of gems it was.

On the spur of the moment, Lukas snatched that book and browsed through pages after pages, looking for gems that can literally change colors when sunlight caught the right angles.

But he found none of it.

As he turned to the last pages, Lukas frowned. Whether this book was incomprehensive or it's just a fake cheap tawdry trinket. But Lukas had never seen something like that before, it didn't look fake, cheap, or tawdry, it looked more like high jewelry with occult elements, like it's sorcerer's creation not simply polished by hands of a layman.

Lukas didn't know why he felt like that.

So when his eyes caught another book, 'Gems and Their Myths, Legends and Lore', he didn't think twice before snatching it up.

Lukas flipped through pages and pages, glancing at pictures after pictures of colorful gems but since the colors of Bastian's pendant kept altering every time it's licked by sunlight, soon Lukas realized he didn't know what he's actually looking for. He paused at sapphire, aquamarine, turquoise, malachite, emerald, even at ruby and amber, and he knew all of these weren't what he's really searching, that gem didn't have definite color, it's like a chameleon that had an ability to shift shades according to surroundings. Lukas flipped through the pages faster and stopped when he arrived at the myth section, then he started to scan the words slower.

Then Lukas stopped short at the word 'Wish-Fulfilling Gems'.

He wondered what it would be like to be in Ibiza with Bastian on his birthday tonight instead of Turkey.

Lukas stared, just by reading the word 'wish-fulfilling gems', his mind instantly brought forth the line that popped up in his mind that night before he fell asleep. It's not a definite wish, just something he thought out of curiosity, despite the fact that it might be what he secretly wanted in his subconscious unawares for a long time. Lukas scanned through the page,

'There are two major legends concerning wish-fulfilling gems in world mythology. One is Tibetan, the other, Romani,

‘1) The Cintamani Stone

‘Most people are familiar with the concept of the Philosopher’s Stone, but few have heard of the Cintamani Stone. Cintāmaṇi (Sanskrit, Devanagari: चिन्तामणि) or Chintamani (or the Chintamani Stone) is a wish-fulfilling jewel within both Hindu and Buddhist traditions, the equivalent to the philosopher’s stone in Western alchemy.

‘According to Buddhist legend, the Cintamani is one of the four relics that came in a chest that fell from the sky during the reign of king Lha Thothori Nyantsen of Tibet (circa 5th century). Though the king did not understand the purpose of the objects, he kept them in a position of reverence. Several years later, two mysterious strangers appeared at the court of the king, explaining the four relics, which included the Buddha’s bowl (possibly a Singing Bowl) and a mani stone with the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra inscribed on it. These few objects were the bringers of the Dharma to Tibet so the ancient Buddhists revered it as a spiritual jewel. However, its power was considered so great, and so potentially disastrous, they ultimately sent it to be hidden away in the etheric plane within the ancient mystical, hidden kingdom of Shambhala and kept by the “King of the World.”

‘Its physical properties are mostly ordinary, described as green, and trapezohedron in shape. But its greater powers lie in a higher dimension, invisible to our own senses, what looks like an ordinary rock is actually a powerful, pan-dimensional artifact. Possession of the stone elevates its holder to a higher state of being, granting knowledge of all time and space and, consequently, the potential for world domination. And, much like the Philosopher’s Stone and the Holy Grail, its wielder may even attain immortality. In fact, it’s theorized that the Philosopher’s Stone, the Holy Grail, and the Cintamani Stone are one and the same.

‘2) Gypsy Wish-Granting Stone

‘According to Romani folklore, the Gypsy Wish-Granting Stone's most striking feature is its hypnotizingly mystic colors which can be changed to various shades of blue, green, or sometimes other colors when sunlight reflects different angles of the stone. It is said to be the most beautiful stone in the world, though, sadly, not many people ever had the chance to see it. It can grant wishes to the owner by taking power from the moon and the Great Sea.

‘The Gypsy Wish-Granting Stone has no origin explanation, with less to none evidence of its existence, but it might have connection to the Cintamani Stone for Romani people (also spelled Romany, Roma, Hindi: रोमानी and also known as Gypsies) and culture originated in Northern India, presumably the Rajasthan region, which is in approximate area where the Cintamani Stone is originated. Some mythologists believe that the Gypsy Wish-Granting Stone is in fact a fragment of the Cintamani Stone allegedly making it back into our world from the hidden kingdom of Shambala, which is also a mythical kingdom. There are various ideas about where this society is located, but it is often placed in Central Asia, north or west of Tibet. Ancient Zhang Zhung texts identify Shambhala with the Sutlej Valley in Punjab, India. Mongolians identify Shambhala with certain valleys of southern Siberia. In Altai folklore, Mount Belukha is believed to be the gateway to Shambhala. Modern Buddhist scholars seem to now conclude that Shambhala is located in the higher reaches of the Himalayas in what is now called the Dhauladhar Mountains around Mcleodganj. The current Dalai Lama manages the Tibetan Government in Exile from Mcleodganj.

‘But wherever the hidden kingdom of Shambhala is located, when the Romani people migrated to Europe during the Middle Ages (circa 6th-11th century), it is believed that they took a fragment of the Cintamani Stone with them.'

Lukas still stared at the text after he'd finished reading the whole article, his mind reeling hard.

...hypnotizingly mystic colors which can be changed to various shades of blue, green, or sometimes other colors when sunlight reflects different angles of the stone...

...can grant wishes to the owner by taking power from the moon and the Great Sea...

The Gypsy Wish-Granting Stone.

Where the fuck did he get that stone?!

But-but-...whoa! Lukas had goosebumps. This is too much. Fucking hell. How could this happen? How could this even be possible? Those are myths, they're simply folklores. Does he dare claiming that he'd seen it with his own eyes, let alone saying that he'd testified its potential and proved true?!

Lukas felt the need to sit down, so he walked over to a sofa and sat on it, taking in many deep breaths before re-reading that part again.

After finishing it, he still felt as shocked as the first time. Lukas stared at a bookshelf but seeing nothing. According to Bastian, he's the one who bought it for the Bavarian as a birthday present but the blonde said that he's the one who chose it so they might have bought it in Ibiza. Then he gave it to Bastian on the eve of his birthday and that night Lukas in another reality made a wish, if he could call it that. His wish was granted and he woke up here.

What was his wish that made everything the way it is now? Lukas really wanted to know what was in the other Lukas' mind at the time.

Anyway, how's that fucking possible anyway? But he could find no better explanation, it's the stone around Bastian's neck, that must be it, he fucking knows it!

Lukas' heart beat fast. If that's all it takes, he could simply take the gem, make another wish and he'd wake up again back in his own reality?

Is it that simple?

Lukas stood up and walked around looking for more books relating to the Gypsy Wish-Granting Stone or the Cintamani Stone, but found none, so he looked for more books about mythical gems, still none.

At last he took the books, including the Michio Kaku's one, to the cashier, feeling his gut churn as he walked back home.


He met Bastian again in Warsaw in early October for a Euro 2016-qualifying match against Poland.

Lukas had planned this scene since the day he discovered about the potential of the gem. After they had normal greeting sex, which was still as hot as fuck, literally, the Pole lay with his arm around Bastian whose head was on Lukas' chest and asked, "Did you bring the necklace I gave you?"

He could feel Bastian frown in his arm, "my birthday present, you mean?"


"Yeah. Why?"

"Can I see it?" Lukas almost held his breath.

"Umm...," the blonde moaned lazily and Lukas thought he's going to procrastinate but then he shifted and got out of bed.

Bastian returned with the necklace in hand, his naked body illuminated under the LED light looked so beautiful. "What of it?" He handed the pendant to the Pole and flopped back down on the other's torso again.

"Umm," Lukas' heart beat in a quick rhythm, holding the small rugged gem up against electric light, the malachite-colored stone slowly swung above him.

It didn't change colors, though.

"It won't change colors under electric light, only sunlight has that power over it," Bastian said as he's also looking at the stone. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Lukas swallowed. But when it didn't exhibit the mystic-color display, it looked like a normal jewel. "Can I borrow it?" He blurted out.

He could feel Bastian frown against his chest again. "Why?"

"I wanna test the colors it could change to," he lied, though that's also part of the plan.

"I test that all the time." Bastian shifted onto his stomach but still putting his chin on Lukas' shoulder, his fingers trailed featherly over the Pole's chest and Lukas squirmed. "Looks like it's infinite."


"Yeah, you can have it." The blonde kissed his shoulder lovingly. "You bought it anyway."

The Pole didn't say anything but kept staring at the stone.

That night long after Bastian had fallen asleep in his arms, Lukas still looked at the jewel swinging above him like he's hypnotized by it, and it hadn't even started shifting colors yet.

It's a Gypsy Wish-Granting Stone, he knew it must be it. Just a wish, and he could get out of here: out of this universe where he had Bastian as his lover, of this room where he had the blonde sleeping by his side...

Just a wish, and everything, Bastian in particular, would be whisked away. He knew the stone could do that, he just had to close his eyes and when he wakes up tomorrow, everything would be the same, or rather, would never be the same.

Is he really ready to leave?

It's not about 'hows' anymore, now it's about 'whys', why would he ever want to go back anymore when he has everything he's ever wanted? Now, in this room, next to him.

Lukas turned to look at Bastian who's sleeping soundly, arm around Lukas's torso, head on his shoulder, his lips parted slightly and his blond hair a bit messy and this time, the thought of leaving was even scarier than the last time he'd tried to escape this reality on a yacht in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea outside Bodrum.

Lukas closed his eyes.

And simply put the pendant on the bedside table.

Turning around to put his other arm around Bastian, he nuzzled up to the Bavarian, kissed him softly on his forehead and inhaled the smell of him like he wanted to remember this moment forever.

And he wouldn't let Bastian go, not now...

...And maybe not ever...

To be continued in Chapter 15.


lukas podolski/bastian schweinsteiger, fic, series: 2morrow i'll wake up in ur bed

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