Tomorrow I Will Wake Up in Your Bed : Chapter 13

Jul 01, 2015 14:19

Title: Tomorrow I Will Wake Up in Your Bed : Chapter 13
Pairing: Lukas Podolski / Bastian Schweinsteiger
Rating: NC-17 (This part)
Genre: Alternate Reality / Romance
Word Count: 1,991 Words

Disclaimer: This did not actually happen, although God knows I wish.

Summary: On Bastian’s 30th Birthday, Lukas wondered what it would be like if he's in Ibiza with his best friend tonight instead of Turkey. The next morning, he woke up to find Bastian in his bed, naked and sleeping, and he’s not in Turkey anymore.

Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

A/N: You can also read this on AO3. And feedbacks, pls!

Tomorrow I Will Wake Up In Your Bed: Chapter 13

The minute Lukas woke up, he's afraid to open his eyes.

He didn't know whether it's because he'd be disappointed if he woke up and found that he hadn't gone anywhere, or even more disappointed if he'd actually crossed back to his real universe.

In other words, he didn't know whether he really wanted to go back, whether he really wanted to leave just yet, he couldn't even tell that if he actually woke up in the same bed he'd gone to sleep last night, he would be distressed or ecstatic. And if he woke up to the reality he'd come from, whether he'd be exultant or inconsolable.

His mind was a turmoil, a predicament he didn't have a solution to.

But he had to face it anyway.

So Lukas opened his eyes and found that he's alone in bed.

As he looked around the room uncertainly with a conflicting heart, he realized that it's the same bed he fell asleep in last night, the same cabin. So he's on the same yacht that he'd hired to look for the door to another universe in the middle of the sea outside the coast of Bodrum. A part of him was a bit disappointed that everything looked exactly the same as last night, the other part was...relieved that he's still here.

Nevertheless, the same surroundings didn't actually mean that he hadn't crossed the universes in his sleep. So he got up to the deck in broad shorts and found the same captain. But talking to the captain still couldn't prove anything. The other Lukas, if they had swapped places in each other's reality like he'd hypothesized, might have been trying to find a way home by sailing in a yacht in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea like he's doing as well, outside the coast of Bodrum must be the spot he bewilderedly woke up to on that wacky morning after all.

There were not many people on his choices right now who could prove which universe was which.

Lukas called Bastian.

"Hey," the Bavarian picked up.

"Hey," Lukas answered, he felt unreasonably nervous and found that he didn't know what to say next.

"What are you doing?" so Bastian asked.

"Err," Lukas realized immediately that he had to lie, "I just woke up." But this bit was alright, right?

"What are you gonna do today?" the blonde asked further.

"Err, umm, I don't know," and he hurriedly shot the question back, "you?"

"Training, of course," Bastian answered and Lukas could hear him stretch lazily in bed. He smiled instantaneously at the adorableness of the image in his mind. "You don't have training today?"

"Of course, I have," he replied, and then, "umm, Basti," he paused, took in a deep breath.


"I love you," said the Pole.

He could actually imagine the Bavarian smile widely this time. "I love you, too, Luki."

Lukas smiled. "I've gotta run, okay? Talk to you later."

"Okay, take care, Poldi."

"Bye, baby." He hung up.

So, it didn't work.

Lukas paced to and fro on the deck, his fingers caressing the stubbles on his chin as he's immersed in thought. The sun's up radiating its piercing rays on land and water of this transcontinental country, it's a nice summer day but Lukas didn't have time nor mood to admire the view. If the wish didn't work, then what?

The Pole exhaled loudly, staying another night wouldn't result in anything if he didn't have another plan. He'd better get back to London before Arsene would decide that he should just sell him this time.


On September the first, Joachim called them up for the first international break after the World Cup.

It's almost a month that Lukas hadn't seen Bastian in the flesh, but he's here now, standing in front of him with a Louis Vuitton duffle bag dangling over his shoulder.

The Pole smiled so wide, Bastian smiled back sweetly.

"Miss me, Poldi?"

Lukas hadn't known he'd missed the blonde this much until he closed the gap between them with a passionate kiss on the lips that's worth the time they'd been apart.

"Whoa, whoa. Get a room, uncles!" Marco who's walking by with Mario and Andre teased. Lukas instantly sprang away from Bastian, cheeks flushed crimson. The three boys giggled in amusement. He'd totally forgot that they're in public the second he saw Bastian, how could he be so reckless?

"Let's put our bags in the room." The Bavarian caught his hand and dragged him in the direction of the rooms. He's about to ask whether they're each other's roommates but shut up in time, it shouldn't be otherwise, if the staff did have arranged the room otherwise before, he should've known better by now.

The moment Bastian shut the door behind them, Lukas attacked him with his hot lips.

The blonde grinned against his kiss then reciprocated. He pushed the Pole back in the direction of their bed and tripped him on his back. Their lips-lock broke and Lukas lay there staring up at Bastian who's now straddling his hips. "You do miss me, don't you?" the blonde asked huskily and his sexy voice ran straight from his ears to his groin.

Fucking hell, how could this man have so much control over his mind and body?!

"Fuck, Schweini!" He groaned the only word he had in mind and bucked up his hips, his hard erection rubbing against Bastian's crotch. The blonde arched, moaned and moved his hips creating ever more frictions in response. Lukas gasped, Bastian put hands on the Pole's chest then tantalizingly slid them down to his abs then the waistband of his jeans, he unhurriedly unbuttoned them.

Lukas couldn't find his breath.

In no time, his cock was freed from the confinement of fabric. His breath hitched as Bastian rubbed it against his bulging jeans slowly and sensually. The act was so wanton it almost hurt that he couldn't come right there by the sight of it.

Then Bastian released his cock and got up on his knees. Lukas groaned frustratingly at the desertion of warmth of the blonde's hand which was now fumbling with his jeans, then he intentionally dawdlingly stripped them off before taking off his shirt as well. And though Lukas had seen it many times before, the sight of a naked Bastian still took his breath away.

As they became one, Lukas looked at the Bavarian and realized that this thing happened so naturally to them. They fitted together perfectly, like they're two parts of the same being, like they're carved for each other from the start. He wasn't surprised, though. The only wonder he had was that why he’d never realized this before, why he's so blinded by the fallacious social norm and hypocritical bigotry that he couldn't see through the layers of brainwashing beliefs to the fact that he'd been in love with Bastian from the start.

It had taken him ten solid years to realize that.

He also wouldn't be surprised if he's to have more chances to visit other universes and also find out that he's in love with Bastian there.

It would always be like that, he knew, there's no better alternative otherwise. He'd choose Bastian, time and time again, over and over.



"Congratulations, captain!"

Mats Hummels clapped his hand on Bastian's shoulder, the other looked up and smiled at the messy dark-haired guy and also the blond boy beside him.

"Congratulation," Erik Durm wasn't a boy of many words but his innocent smile could actually brighten up the whole town.

"Thanks, both of you."

"Hey, Durmi," Marco came out of nowhere and put his arm around Erik's shoulder. "Congrats, Bastiano," he said and grinned, then his eyes caught Mats’ which were narrowing at him. "Alright, alright, just look, don't touch." He instantly pulled his arm away from Erik's shoulder and the blond boy looked between the two, at a loss as ever.

Lukas looked at the three of them with interest.

And then Mario came up. "Marco, stop flirting with whomever in your proximity and let's go to the pool." He seemed to be needing relaxation after a long day.

"Okay," so Marco left with Mario.

"Let's go, Erik," and then Mats left, too, with Erik trailing after him like a little puppy. Lukas' eyes followed them until they disappeared and then he caught sight of Mesut and Sami who seemed to be joined at the hips since the first second they met. So now we had Götzeus, Durmmels and Samisut? Well, especially Samisut, he wouldn't be surprised if they're to end up together for real in this reality to be honest, if you ask. He noted in mind to google about them all afterwards.

The next day they had a friendly with Argentina National Football Team at the ESPRIT Arena. Bastian who's supposed to have a debut match as the 22nd captain of the Germany National Football Team was injured so he only sat in the stands watching the match instead. The final score was 4-2, Germany lost, to their bashfulness. They said Argentina had successfully avenged for their pride in this World Cup final re-match but hey, at least they don't have the golden trophy like we do.


Lukas turned around to the familiar voice at the same time Louis ran towards him. Lukas' eyes went wide. Düsseldorf was close to Cologne but neither Monika nor Louis did say anything about coming to watch the friendly when they spoke on the phone yesterday. It's a surprise. "Louis!" Lukas smiled zealously at his son as well as nodded to Monika who's trailing after the boy, then he secretly winced realizing that his son had just witnessed their defeat. "Err, we're not in the best form today," he hastily covered.

"It's alright, dad. We had already displayed the true form when we beat Argentina last time." Louis grinned mischievously and Lukas had the urge to hug and kiss him for his smugness when another character came into the picture.

"Luk-" Bastian stopped short in his tracks when he saw Louis standing beside Lukas, then his eyes shifted and he also noticed Monika, he nodded to her. "Hello, Monika." Then he turned to Louis. "Louis, what's up? Luki didn't say that you and your mom would drop by today."

Lukas glanced at Monika while Bastian's speaking and caught sight of her rolling eyes at the word 'Luki'. Lukas' cheeks turned pink.

"That's because it's a surprise," Louis answered. "I didn't tell daddy that we'd come today."

"That's sweet." Bastian grinned at the boy and Louis grinned back at him. Lukas' heart skipped a beat at the sight of his lover and son getting along.

But seems like Monika didn't find this heartwarming as well as she didn't have that affection towards Bastian which her son might have, which was kind of understandable if he's in her shoes, Bastian took the father of her only child away from them, though that mightn't be Bastian's fault at all. "Louis, leave your dad alone, he needs to take a shower," so she said. Louis pouted but walked away from Lukas. The Pole's heart clenched and was wrenched harder when he took note of Bastian's countenance as he realized that he's the reason that made them go away.

Well, only Monika, actually, but Monika took Louis with her anyway. "We'll see you later," Monika said before walking away with their son.

"Poldi, I'm sorry." The blonde turned around and his usually bright olive-colored eyes were distressed.

"It's okay, baby." And he really meant that, it's okay. Maybe not now but he knew everything would work out the way it should someday somehow, like how everything between Bastian and him had worked out now.

Because it's meant to be, whether in this universe or the other or actually anywhere else,

He'd always be Bastian's, and Bastian would always belong to him.

To be continued in Chapter 14.


lukas podolski/bastian schweinsteiger, fic, series: 2morrow i'll wake up in ur bed

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