My Love is a Souvenir Act 6: Greek Islands Chapter 6

Jan 27, 2011 21:22

Title: My Love is a Souvenir
Act 6: Greek Islands  Chapter: 6/6

Previous Chapters:
Act 1: Ibiza 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 [END]
Act 2: Paris 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 [END]
Act 3: Prague 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 [END]
Act 4: London 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 [END]
Act 5: French Riviera 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 [END]
Act 6: Greek Islands 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Authors: fernedakki
Pairing: Daniel Agger / Fernando Torres feat. Steven Gerrard / Xabi Alonso
Rating: PG-13 (This part)
Genre: AU/Romance
Word Count: 1,228 Words

Disclaimer: This is all my fantasy, happens only in my head. It's not real, babe.

A/N: This is the last chapter of this act. And the next act, well, is the last act of this series, finally!  ;)

"I'll definitely kill Fernando for this," Steven grumbled, infuriated. He's in his room, edgy. Xabi’s sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Fernando was reluctant to go, too," Xabi murmured.

"Xabi, that's totally not the point!" The Englishman snarled then stopped short in the middle of his paces. "Do you know that Fernando already has a boyfriend?"

Oh, fuck you for this, Fernando!

"Umm, not quite." Xabi shifted unsettledly. Steven's eyes widened in disbelief.

"You know it!" He yelled. "You know it and you still let Fernando do this to Daniel!"

Xabi gaped. "But Daniel knows it himself!" He lowered his voice. "And we did talk about this, I mean Fernando and I."

"And? What did he say?" Steven tried to calm down. He sat on the bed, staring at the Spaniard. Xabi swallowed hard.

"They love each other, don't you see?"

"Xabi, that's not my question."

Xabi sighed. "Sergio and Fernando had known each other for a long time, they’re friends from college. Fernando thought he's in love with Sergio, until he found Daniel." The Spaniard paused. "He and Sergio like each other a lot, but the thing between them isn’t love. The thing between him and Daniel, that's the real thing."

Steven raised his brow. "How do you know?"

"Their actions speak for themselves, Stevie. And I have well-trained eyes." He sighed again. "Just give Fernando some time, yeah? I think he had learned quite a lot of things from the trip."

Steven grimaced. "I don't think my nephew thinks the same."


Fernando came in the early morning before anyone had actually woken up. Steven's the one who got the door.

"What are you doing here?" His voice was rigid and cold.

"He and I need to talk." Fernando pursed his lips, didn't look Steven in the eyes.

"I don't think he wants to talk to you." The Englishman was about to close the door.

"Stevie, please." Fernando held the door with both his hand and foot. "You know we can't leave it like this."

"Do you realize what you had just done?" Steven asked, still aloof. Fernando pursed his lips tighter and nodded.

"That's why I have to fix it," he mumbled.

"And do you know what you're doing then?" The Englishman's voice was still inimical. Fernando stiffened.


"What will you say to him?" Steven cornered him.

Fernando stared at the floor, biting down his lip. Steven sighed. "Don't you think the next time you talk to him, you'll need a resolute answer on tap?" And when Fernando didn't answer, the Englishman grimaced. "I'll see you at the office." And he was about to shut the door.


Steven turned around and Fernando's heart raced faster. Daniel appeared on top of the stairs and descended. "Thanks, uncle Stevie, but I'll handle it from now on."

Steven smiled wryly, left the door open and paced up the stairs. Passing Daniel in the middle of the staircase, the Englishman ruffled the Dane's dark hair and walked past him in silence.

They're left alone in the foyer. Daniel reached the ground floor while Fernando got in and closed the door behind him uncertainly.

"Tell me what you have to say," Daniel's voice was as standoffish as Steven's. "Because I have something to say, too."

Fernando was pallid. "I...just...want to apologize for last night," he mumbled, gazing at the floor.

"Is that it?" Daniel's arms were crossed over his chest, he looked so disinterested. Fernando pursed his lips.

"Daniel, I'm so sorry, I-"

"If that's all you've got, why don't you listen to me?" Daniel cut him off. "Since we don't have much time, my flight is at 11 o'clock."

Fernando looked paler, if that's possible.

"Dan, please don't do this to me," he whispered.

"What did I do to you?" Daniel shot back, his dispassionate voice belied irony. "You know what? At first I thought I could live like this. Even though realizing in the deepest pit of my heart that you've someone else, Sergio to be precise, I used to delude myself that as long as his and my territory don't overlapped, we can both fairly live in the same heart, your heart, sharing you. Everything will be fine.

"But then I realized that fairness I’ve thought all along was so absurd and unrealistic. It can't be. How could that be 'fair' since Sergio's there first and used to have those spaces all to him alone? How could that be fair when he has no clue that he's sharing you with another guy? And how hurt he might be, caught you with somebody else? I think I understand his feelings, who would want to share their lover with others?" Daniel paused, inhaled deeply, his next sentences were so faint yet resolute and real, "Fernando..., we can't live like this, it's wrong. It's already been wrong from the start and will be wrong forever. You can't have me and him at the same time. You need to choose."

The Spaniard took in a deep breath. "Won't you give it a try?" His voice was shaking and the answer didn’t make anything better.

"Is that all you could say?!” Daniel was furious this time. “Don't you care just a bit that Sergio loves you and how hurt he is, knowing you're cheating on him?!"

"And don't you love me?" Fernando shot back with a real desperate question in a trembling voice. It truly took Daniel by surprise, he bit his lips, shut his eyes and sighed.

"You know what I feel for you. Seriously, I’ve even thought that it doesn’t matter whether you’d love me back, I’m happy simply being with you, loving you one-sided, and having you in my arms once in a while. But when I saw Sergio’s eyes last night, I’ve just realized, quite really too late, that what I’ve been doing - what we’ve been doing - is so evil, cruel, abominable, it’s so freaking wrong. We can’t do this to Sergio anymore, he’s innocent, for Christ’s sake! If you don't care for me, at least please care for Sergio. And I don’t need to answer your question, right? Because I've already told you so many times and given you too many chances already. And this time if it's not working again,” he took in a deep breath, “we might never really mean to be."

Fernando started crying noiselessly, but Daniel couldn't take this anymore.

"Remember that time in Saint-Tropez, when you asked me to promise that I would never let you go? I didn't answer your question because I already did it once and I know I can do it again." He paused, swallowed a lump down his throat and announced in a parched voice, "I love you so much that I can let you go."

But then Fernando retaliated with a parallel axiom. He pulled his tearful brown eyes off the floor and locked with the Dane’s. They were so obstinate that took Daniel aback by simply looking at them. He blubbered, "But I love you too fucking much…," his voice was whispering and shaking intensely from the weeping which he still couldn’t stop, yet so convulsively determinant and eerily sincere that it stabbed Daniel in the middle of his heart and thrashed all morals he had in his conscience into shattered bits, once again,

"…that I can’t let you go."

To be continued in Act 7 Chapter 1.


series: my love is a souvenir, au, fic, daniel agger/fernando torres

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