My Love is a Souvenir Act 6: Greek Islands Chapter 5

Jan 24, 2011 23:17

Title: My Love is a Souvenir
Act 6: Greek Islands Chapter: 5/?

Previous Chapters:
Act 1: Ibiza 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 [END]
Act 2: Paris 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 [END]
Act 3: Prague 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 [END]
Act 4: London 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 [END]
Act 5: French Riviera 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 [END]
Act 6: Greek Islands 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

Authors: fernedakki
Pairing: Daniel Agger / Fernando Torres feat. Steven Gerrard / Xabi Alonso
Rating: NC-17 (This part)
Genre: AU/Romance
Word Count: 1,816 Words

Disclaimer: This is all my fantasy, happens only in my head. It's not real, babe.

A/N: And after the sweetness...

Santorini was their last destination on this trip around Greek Islands, and the most spellbinding and anticipating one. Its surreal landscape of multicolored cliffs and one-of-a-kind charm of sloping ranges of bedazzling dwellings were so fantastic and stupendous they made them succumb in awe at first sight on their arrival. Despite having already seen this kind of scenery all along the trip, Santorini won them all. And even though they're already behind schedule, Steven still seemed so relaxed and kept things according to plan as much as possible. This might be the benefit traveling with your boss, plus your boss' nephew.

They lodged at Oia, the village at the northernmost tip of the island. It's the utmost popular town on Santorini which was no doubt bustling all the time. Its picturesque adorable architecture on volcanic cliffs was noted as unique and one of the foremost tourist sites in the Aegean Sea with priceless feature of Santorini's most famous attraction: the spot for magnificent spectacle of sunset, which was also labeled as one of the top ten most romantic sunset points in the world.

They did that the first day they arrived on the island. You'll have to go to the northernmost spot in the northernmost village on Santorini, which is Oia, to experience it. The edge of Oia was a steep volcanic cliff. White endearing incave houses with deep blue-colored roof adhered to the precipitous surface along the slant from the topmost of it down half of the cliff. From the scenic point up here, it was like looking down to a never-ending descending maze of white and blue mythical cottages of which inhabited some other imaginary creatures that weren’t humans.

They reserved a spot on pedestal steps to watch the sunset. The sky turned bright orange when the large coral disk started sinking into the reflective glass of the Aegean Sea. Yachts and other watercrafts could be seen as sparsely tiny dots on the rippled surface of which was mirroring the image of the sinking orange-shaded sun.

"And with this, you're here with me again." Fernando turned around to Daniel who's busily taking pictures of this spectacular scene from the step behind the Spaniard. The Dane lowered his camera and bent down to kiss Fernando on his neck.

"Of course, sunshine. I can't imagine how otherwise it could be," he replied.


They rented a tiny car and drove around the island, Steven drove, mind you. Those two naughty boys were shoved to sit in the back, and they literally had their own little world with whispers and laughter.

They dropped by small villages, secluded beach with red volcanic rock, and went to the other end of the island: the southernmost, to find a hidden place for watching sunset. The scene wasn’t as exotic as yesterday’s in Oia, but the atmosphere was so pacific and private like this privileged show was exclusively played for them alone. When dusk fell, they drove to Fira, the main town of Santorini, having dinner with light boozes afterwards at a restaurant on the edge of the orange-hued volcanic precipice, chatting all night and getting drunk as usual.

When the next morning dawned, the fact also dawned on Daniel that it's their last day. Their flight was at night and they didn't have any plan for today. The Dane would catch a plane back to London with everybody then fly from there to Copenhagen a couple of days later.

He got out of bed, where Fernando was still sleeping, sauntering towards a window and opening it wide welcoming the late-morning sea breeze. He was letting his mind drift away with enthralling scenery of blue and white tiny houses downward to the sea below when there was a sudden movement beside him.

He didn't hear Fernando approaching until that moment when the blonde jumped onto the window ledge, sitting there facing the Dane.

"Morning," he mumbled in drowsiness.

"Morning, sweetie." Daniel smiled back. He draped his arm around the Spaniard waist, snuggled up to his bare upper-arm. Fernando was only in boxers, his usual pajamas. The blonde gingerly placed his fingers on Daniel's stitches which had already started scabbing and looked a lot better now.

"Does it still hurt over here?" He asked in a low voice.

"A bit," Daniel murmured back and nibbled Fernando's arm. The blonde snickered.

"What are you doing?" He asked whisperingly, his breath hitched when Daniel's lips glided down to his flat stomach. Daniel's answer was only a soft "hmm," since he had already been preoccupied with something else.

Intentionally skipping the Spaniard’s crotch and thigh, the Dane placed his lips on the Spaniard's knee instead. He tenderly kissed Fernando's skin, gliding his lips up the blonde's inner-thigh and nibbling the flesh there along the line provokingly. It sent bizarre fluttering sensation to Fernando’s stomach and up his spine. The blonde shivered as Daniel’s hands caressed his hips infatuatedly.

Fernando gasped as the Dane's hot lips slipped closer to his groin, and suddenly jerked as Daniel's teeth bit his getting-hardened flesh under boxers teasingly. One of his legs instantly jolted into a knee-up position on the ledge. Daniel nibbled Fernando's cock and the blonde gasped, moaning,


The Dane was busily stroking the Spaniard's erection over the fabric with his lips. Fernando arched, his head tilted back against the window pane, panting. His boxers were so confined yet at the same time aroused him even more with their restriction and wet rough sensations when they scraped his skin along with Daniel's mouth.

"Dan...I...," he huffed, his other leg instinctively clung tightly to Daniel's shoulder, tugging him closer while his hands were on the Dane's head, wrenching his hair impassionedly. Fernando squeezed his eyes shut and tried to steady himself. That was when Daniel placed his hands on the edge of the blonde's shorts and slowly slid the cotton fabric down. His both hands clenched the Spaniard's ass lustfully.

"Do you want me to fuck you in bed...," Daniel mumbled, nuzzling up to the blonde's crotch and nibbling his hilt stimulatingly which hitched the blonde’s breath immediately, "...or here?"

Fernando grunted, "Why do you still have to ask?!" And he grabbed the back of Daniel's neck, pulled him up and crushed their lips together passionately so.


They flew back to London that night.

From the airport, they got into town by the Gatwick Express and disembarked at London Victoria station. It's almost 10 p.m. when they arrived. Daniel would stay over at Steven's house in Kingston, the Spaniards would separate from them here.

They made their way to London Underground together, waited in line for a couple of minutes for Daniel to get his ticket since others already had Oyster Cards before going through automated ticket barriers. Fernando's hand was on the Dane's arm, he’s chatting lively as usual when suddenly there's a voice called out,


Everybody turned around, and Daniel's body suddenly turned rigid and he felt freezing chills run down his spine as he recognized that a guy with long hair standing there with a couple of his friends was the one he once saw with Fernando at the pub in Islington that one night when he’s in London last time.

That was Sergio.


"S-Sergio," Fernando's voice was faint, he's in a state of shock. The blonde pulled his hand back from Daniel immediately.

But Sergio had noticed it already.

"Why are you here?" Sergio's voice was rigid. "You told me you're not coming back until the next three days."

"We changed plan," the blonde's voice was almost inaudible now.

"Oh, really? Why's that you changed plan so often?” Sergio looked intimidating. “You prolonged your trip from 13 to 18 days, and now you just advanced your return flight again. Is it that easy?" He didn't buy Fernando’s words just a bit. "And who's that?"

And he definitely didn't mean Steven or Xabi.

"My friends from work." Fernando's voice was calmer now.

Sergio laughed. "Seriously." Yet his voice was so contrasted, it's humorless. "Stop lying, bitch."

Daniel felt something inside him snap. THAT. WAS. ENOUGH.

"You don't have the right to talk to him like that," Daniel growled infuriatingly. Sergio turned to him, grimaced.

"And what rights do you think you have to talk to me like that?" He shot back defiantly. Then instantly he stepped up, grabbed Fernando by his wrist and yanked him forward unkindly. The surprised blonde stumbled in his direction. "We'll go now, so please excuse us."

"Don't you dare treating him like that!" Before anyone could forestall him, Daniel had darted forward and swatted Sergio's hand off Fernando's wrist. And Sergio instantaneously retaliated by shoving the Dane's shoulder, sending him stagger backward.

"Daniel!" He heard Fernando yelp and Sergio suddenly barked.

"Oh, yeah, you're so worried about him, huh?" He had the blonde's arm in his hand again and Daniel could see that Fernando's face was distorting in pain from the squeeze. Daniel grunted. He lunged forward again, gripped Sergio by his wrist on the same arm he’s grabbing Fernando, threatening,

"Let him go."

"Daniel, don't. Please." Fernando breathed in deeply. "Could you guys please stop?" He whispered.

"Look who's talking?" Sergio snarled, squeezed the other Spaniard's arm tighter sending Fernando yelp in pain.

"Sergio, I'm hurt," he whimpered. Steven who's standing watching the scene in silence for a long time budged in ire. He thought about interrupting but Xabi grabbed his arm.

"No, let them handle this themselves," Xabi hissed.

"Let go of him," Daniel growled intimidatingly, glaring into the other boy’s eyes menacingly, and that suddenly made the Dane stun. Despite his seemingly brutal harshness and fierce anger, behind Sergio’s fiery brown eyes, Daniel detected something familiar that he’d known so well.

Is that pain?

Daniel’s grip on Sergio’s wrist loosened up a bit automatically although he knew too well that that glint of pain wasn’t because of the forceful seize. At the same time, Sergio grimaced devilishly.

"Didn't you hear what ‘my boyfriend’ had just said? 'Daniel, don't, please.'?" He smirked triumphantly. "So, back off, don't you think so?"

That sentence hit Daniel straight in the face and he’s suddenly lost for words. Fernando shut his eyes like trying to steady himself. The Dane slowly released Sergio's arm this time.

"That's right," Sergio sneered and the Dane could detect relief in his acrid voice once again. "Good for you that you still remember that I’m his real boyfriend and you're merely his boy toy and mean nothing more."


Daniel kept being quiet all the way when they took the tube back to Steven's house. Others didn't say anything either. Xabi decided to come with them though his house was definitely in the opposite direction.

When they finally arrived at Steven's abode in London Borough of Kingston, the Dane announced, "I'll go back to Copenhagen tomorrow," in a resolute voice and an unreadable expression.

To be continued in Act 6 Chapter 6.


series: my love is a souvenir, au, fic, daniel agger/fernando torres

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