Let's discuss Sarah Palin

Nov 19, 2009 14:42

First off, I hate her. I might have originally simply disliked her, as I do with most conservatives (different than moderate Repubs), but then the whole aerial-gunning-of-wolves bit came out and that just changed everything. Back in the day (Middle through High School) I used to be... shall I say... obsessed with wolves. An entire biology paper was dedicated to the red wolf. My parents got me wolf shirts and this awesome book full of huge glossy pictures of wolves. The shirts have since gone to tatters through many wearings, and once I go back to visit home again I will have to take that sweet book back with me. Even though I no longer think how sweet it would be to have a pet wolf (which I realize now is perhaps not the best of ideas), nor do I have the pressing problem of which wolf shirt should I wear today, I still think they are awesome, beautiful, and majestic creatures that have, historically, gotten a bad rap.

That's just me explaining why I can't stand her, above and beyond the usual. Today, though, I wish to discuss her new book, and especially a comment made regarding vegans: “If any vegans came over for dinner, I could whip them up a salad, then explain my philosophy on being a carnivore: If God had not intended for us to eat animals, how come He made them out of meat?”

First, I am very slowly trying to eat vegan (not quite to 'live the lifestyle' due to my love of wool-based yarns, plus I have a cat) so while I am not actually, technically, a vegan, most of my diet is geared that way (this is my cop-out in case I say something incorrectly). While I must at least commend Ms Palin on making a salad and not just being 'whoops guess you can't eat anything here' I have to say... a salad? Is that seriously the ONLY THING you can think of to make for a vegan? You can't think of ANY OTHER FOODS that a vegan could POSSIBLY eat? Okay, I get it. It's a complete 180 of a lifestyle from you that you have no imagination as to alternate foods, and it's difficult. It wasn't easy for me, either, at first. At least you're making an attempt for something you KNOW a vegan can eat, so I guess that's better than nothing.

Then we have: "... eat animals, how come He made them out of meat?" This is your arguement. Really. REALLY. There are a number of arguements that can be made against veganism and THIS is the one you choose? Really. Well, I'm not going to go address how, if humans are supposed to be carnivores how come we have blunted teeth and long digestive tracts which is a common trait in herbivores (which I just passive agressively did anyhow, ha). Instead, I am just going to say: humans are also made out of meat, thus, by your logic, we should also be eating humans. Let me know how that goes for you.

Anyhow, she's doing a book tour. Part of me wants to protest outside her venue, but she hasn't put up any west coast ones yet, so we'll see. It depends on how much I care when she comes out to hippy-ville, CA, where I live.
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