Pets aren't family, TRUFAX INTERNET!

Nov 11, 2009 11:18

I need to join the stupid pet owners community here. STAT. As I need to rant...

So, I went a-trollin on the craigslist recently. Mainly it was the usual, some douche making excuses about needing to get rid of his dog, one person called him on it, and then immediately got jumped by those who like to excuse douchey-ness. Squeeing with joy at the possibility of wank while I look at pet pictures and otherwise get frustrated with people not wanting to care for their pets, I also comment backing up person #1. Wank ensues!

Until we get to this part where someone states "Pets are property." Uh... NO. When you take them in they become part of your home, part of your family. They are as much 'property' as children. Part of me wants to step away from this, but the possibility of wank is exceedingly high if I comment. WHAT TO DO. Andyhoo, yeah... I just wanted to voice my anger about the assumption that pets are considered disposable and not family members, which I find offensive at the least.
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