Disney buys Marvel

Aug 31, 2009 16:48

So... I have just discovered the information listed in the above subject. I am not really a Marvel fan (Yay DC!) but this irks me slightly. My abilities to see into the future tell me that after about 8 years when all the current movie contracts Marvel has lined up with different companies are over, Disney will start making their movies, and they will SUCK. Pretty much how the original Batman and Superman franchise ended up, as campy horrible versions of what they ought to be. But whatever. Business is business.

So I'm reading the article from the AP via the LA Times or something that is posted on PennyArcade S++ Forums, and what do we have here? "Buying Marvel is meant to improve Disney's following among men and boys. Disney acknowledges it lost some of its footing with guys as it poured resources into female favorites such as "Hannah Montana" and the Jonas Brothers." I like the wording of 'men and boys,' as it stimulates the dirty parts of my mind. But this quote itself is understandable, since Hannah Montana/ Jonas suck a pretty big cock.

This quote, however, ""Disney will have something guys grew up with and can experience with their kids, especially their sons," said Gareb Shamus" well, GAREB... FUCK. YOU. Comics are only things you can experience with your SONS?! Of course! Because DAUGHTERS just play with their dollies and watch their teeny-bopper singers and play house and wait until they can get married and have kiddies. Comics are for BOYS! I real big THANK YOU for continuing on with that stereotype that comics are only for men, and HOLY SHIT if there ever appears a FEMALE in the comic shop, what do we BOYS DO, since WOMEN don't read comics!!

Also, a REAL thank you goes to my Dad who introduced me to Tintin when I was.. um... 6? I still have that first book, The Black Island.

Further reading of this article shows me " Disney's recently rebranded, boy-focused cable network, Disney XD" Oh Disney. I like Mulan. Whatever happened to the girl power kind of stuff? I can appreciate a sweet sword fight as much as the next gal. What's with all this boy-only garbage?
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