Jan 21, 2017 08:24
Up at 3:45 a.m., had coffee and read FB and then showered and put some face paint on and out the door by 6 a.m. to McDonald's for breakfast and then grocery shopping. It is getting easier, but Ed can still make me almost cry with his short of patience attitude and then he uses "I'm in pain" ... there is always a reason. I'm a fairly patient person and if I forget something in an aisle, it's an inconvenience, not a problem and certainly nothing to get upset about.
I'm having problems with his new personality, but it's improved since last Saturday when we were screaming at each other! I guess I need to stop looking at all the changes negatively and just "go with the flow". I can't change the situation and I have to accept that the man I fell in love with and married is no longer. And after last weekend, I realized we had a crappy marriage anyway with no real communication skills and not much in common (after the courting period)...so now it's "until death do us part..."