That movie meme

May 13, 2014 13:12

Anyone who feels like it should post their ten most CRUCIAL CRUCIAL CRUCIAL-ASS movies, like the movies that explain everything about yourselves in your current incarnations (not necessarily your ten favorite movies but the ten movies that you, as a person existing currently, feel would help people get to know you) (they can change later on obviously).

I will say, that reading this list would most likely discourage anyone from wanting to get to know me. But, well, here ya go!

1. Lawrence of Arabia
2. The Road Warrior
3. Escape From New York
4. Wings of Desire
5. Un minuto per pregare, un instante per morire (A Minute to Pray, a Second to Die)
6. Warrior
7. Twelve O'Clock High
8. The Hanging Tree
9. The Eagle
10. Silent Running

Hmm. The main thing this probably says about me is that I am in dire need of therapy?

ETA: oh, and MUCH love to anyone who recognizes (or has seen) No. 5! I spent decades trying to discover if it even existed or if I had imagined it, but I had such clear memories of seeing it as a child I was convinced it was real. Found a copy at Scarecrow Video several years ago by accident and was completely stunned at how accurately I remembered it.
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