Ye Olde Update Thing

Sep 28, 2014 18:29

               This week started off a bit annoying and different. I had made an appointment with the company who installed my furnace to come by and do a maintenance checkup on it, since they had never managed to do so last year. It has been three years since the furnace has been inspected, so it is fortunate that it is only seven years old. The appointment was supposed to be Monday afternoon, so I left work at noon and went home.

I consider it my fault that I neglected to remember that it is not uncommon for the workers of these types of jobs to encounter problems that cause them to run behind. The technician was never able to get to my house on Monday, so I rescheduled for Wednesday, and spent the afternoon cleaning part of the house. I made it clear that I would not leave work again until I had been called and told that the technician was sitting in front of my house.

Wednesday resulted in the technician not being able to make it that day, either. So now we are on for tomorrow, supposedly. We shall see.

In the meantime, the weather has been fantastic, and the leaves are really starting to change all over the place up here, so things are really pretty.

The aforementioned fox continues to be astounding in how brazen it is. It stayed in front of me and the dog ahead of us for about seventy-five feet, for about fifty feet, before it decided that having a barking and straining dog on his tail was sufficient to prompt him to go into the woods. I am trying to determine if it is a young fox, or if that species is actually smaller than I have expected. Could be both, for all I know.

This weekend was a cleaning frenzy that beat out what I did on Monday. Every window in the house, on both sides, has been washed. The entire kitchen was wiped down, disinfected, and gone over. The fridge was even dragged out of the cubicle it resides in so that vacuuming could be done behind and under it.

The shadows continue to lengthen. It will not be too much longer before I no longer need to have my sunglasses on to see when I walk the dog in the evening. Damn.

The television show COSMOS continues to thrill Regina and I. We are enjoying it a great deal. It makes me want to price telescopes.


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