Weekly update thing

Sep 21, 2014 18:30

               So I am standing outside with the dog across the street, having just gotten home, and I hear rustling in the woods at the top of the staircase leading to the condo association’s pavilion. I keep my eyes on the top of the stairs, and what do I see come out of the woods?

A fox. Right out in broad daylight.

He stares at us for a couple of seconds, and then nonchalantly turns around and goes back into the woods. A few minutes later, when I am back outside with the dog and starting off on our actual walk, I see the fox again, walking in plain sight along the side of the road, heading further inland into the woods. Yup, I’m a fox, doing fox stuff, doing my thing. Pay me no heed. Brazen little thing, I will say that for it.

Regina and I had recently finished the Ken Burns miniseries on the Civil War, which we both thought was excellent. We both learned a lot that we did not know previously; an enormous amount, actually. I am giving some thought to purchasing it, it was that informative. I have his series on WWII on my list of planned things to watch, as well.

In the meantime, however, we are watching the first four episodes of the recent series, Cosmos. Just on the visual aspects alone, this series is fantastic. It is also filled with a huge amount of information, but the narrator always explains things in a clear and simple fashion. Note to self - see if I can track down the original Carl Sagan series.

What I find particularly fascinating is just how incredibly damn smart some of the people were who came up with some of the stuff that the narrator is talking about, but they did it without the benefits of any of today’s technology to help.

In other news, Regina went to go to her Yoga class yesterday morning, got into the car, turned the ignition, and got absolutely nothing. Turned out that the battery, which was the original from when I had bought the car back in 2006, decided that it had had enough. Which was fair, given how old it was; it was annoying and cost Regina part of the plans that she had in the morning, but I cannot say I did not get my money out of it. And now that there is a new battery in the car, I should not have to worry about it starting during the course of the oncoming winter.
               Has anyone seen the “official video” on YouTube of the new Stevie Nicks song “LADY”? If you enjoy her work, I would definitely suggest it. She does the same thing Adele did with “Someone Like You”, as it is just her singing with a single piano accompanying her. As a reviewer said in the Entertainment Weekly magazine, “her voice is a perfectly ruined rasp”, which I think is completely true. I think it is a fantastic song, precisely because her voice is not perfect.


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