Sep 05, 2007 10:25
Yeah UAB MUCH MUCH different then ICC, All of you in a two year school that want to transfer I have some advice.
First find a friend that goes to a four year school preferably the one you want to attend but if thats not possible anyone a a big school can help. Ask themn alot about classess and daily life there. I had a huge fucking eye opener coming down here. Its not bad just different
Second do shit early like fincial aid and getting money together for stuff like books etc they run out of stuff alot it seems. Like for example its week 4 here and we still dont have calc books in the bookstore even though Barns & Nobels run our bookstore they cant keep shit like that in.
Third talk to an advisor in YOUR degree of study out at the school you want to go to I can't stress this enough. I transferd in thinking i was ready and turns out at ICC they teach heavy C++ programming and out here at UAB they use Java. Guess what I dont know shit about Java and I am sitting in a Junior level Object oriented desgin class with no Java experience. So yeah Im a little pissedlucky fo rme I am fixing this issue and going to get into the CS201 class so I can catch up on the syntax.
I love this school its just huge and alot more is expected of you the professers are nice but unlewss you come to them for help they are not going to hold your hand and look for you so all of the gang at ICC get in the habit of taking the initivie to get help from your peers asnd your instructers dont count on them to loook for you.
Its stressful here but I am getting used to it oh and the food here rocks compared to ICC heh
OK bitches I am off to class peace out