Hobbit Therapy?

Feb 14, 2012 05:00

So last night I had a dream wherein I was assigned a therapist. Not sure if it was for a class, or there just happened to be a class with it or what.

Dreams man.

Anyway, before it even started, I got reassigned to a different therapist a couple of times. I heard the second one switched to super villiany. It that even a thing? Third time's a charm evidently as they ask me if I would be ok with Billy Boyd. And of course he's standing right there. I'm so ok with it I ask him for a hug.

Tho upon waking reflection, I think having any kind of celeb crush as your therapist would be a horrible idea. I mean, you wouldn't want to tell them all the uncomfortable bits that make you look bad, would you? Badness.


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