Old skool, yo

Jan 13, 2007 14:28

I finally watched "The Return of Starbuck" again. I've always flipped to it and loved it, but I'd never managed to get a complete copy of it until now. YAY THE INTERNETS.

This is Starbuck.

These are Starbuck's tight pants.

Starbuck is pretty.

Too many phallic symbols!

I love "Enemy Mine"--I even read the great novel--and the plot is somewhat similar to this episode. This episode was made the same year the first novella was published.

Starbuck is stranded on a planet with three dead Cylons. He fixes one and calls him Cy. They talk a little about their respective cultures' worldviews, and why they should or shouldn't be enemies now they're stranded together.

Cy continually acts like Starbuck's bitchy wife. It is SO FUNNY. Whenever Starbuck rebuffs him in favor of other humans, or memories of other humans, Cy goes off all YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE. WELL, YOU'RE A HU-MAN! I NEVER WANTED TO BE FRIENDS WITH YOU ANYWAY.

When Starbuck cheats at cards, instead of getting mad about losing...

Cy: You are bored with me! You find my skill level unchallenging, therefore you manipulate the rules to keep yourself interested. I am disappointed!
Starbuck: I don't believe this. How do you hurt a Cylon's feelings?

(goes after him)

Starbuck: Well, I don't know if this means anything to a Cylon, but I'm sorry.
Cy: My companionship is not adequate? You require a woo-man?
Starbuck: Well, that's a pointless discussion.
Cy: I will get you one.

And then Cy storms off into the freezing night like a martyred wife going to her sister's, with Starbuck calling after Cy, "You'll fall off a cliff! Come back!"

The next morning:

Starbuck, I have brought you a surprise.

AWWW. He just wants Starbuck to be happy!

Starbuck: She's with child. She's going to bear another human life.
Cy: I am rapidly being surrounded.

Cy's so witty and sarcastic. HEART.

Starbuck orders him to get water, and Cy's all "You should treat me better! You shouldn't order me around! You're not the boss of me!" But then he goes anyway. Saying passive-aggressively, "I'm going. I'M. GOING."

I don't like the woman. She's one of those weird women in that white crystal place--I saw a bit of them in an earlier episode but I don't know anything about them and I don't think they were ever explained. Obviously they have special abilities like precognition, teleportation, virgin birth ("Starbuck, this is your *spiritual* child." ::rolls eyes::). And they obviously THINK that they are a superior form of being to the colonials. She asks Starbuck if he's ready for progress, and at the end makes a big judgment "You are a good man." Whatever. She says she comes from another dimension. All in all, they remind me of the Ancients in Stargate (and Farscape). Annoying cryptic know-it-alls who cling to the moral highground.

The woman tells Starbuck to build a ship, so Cy and Starbuck build a ship out of the parts of their two crashed ships.

Starbuck: We did it!
Cy: We did it. (arm on shoulder) Without her help.
Starbuck: Well, let's not forget it was her idea. That has to count for something. (Cy takes his arm off his shoulder) Look, Cy, we're all in this together.
Cy: You two are human. I alone am Cylon. We cannot be friends! (storms off)
Starbuck: (calls after him) Cy. C'mon let's give it a try. I can't do it alone!

And then Starbuck's all torn between two lovers as the woman calls him back to their shelter. The baby's coming.

Erg, the woman's name is AnGELa. Starbuck talks about populating the world...

A Cylon patrol arrives the next morning. Cy says he must go to the Cylons and says goodbye to all three humans. Starbuck threatens to shoot him if he goes (and gives away their position), but he can't shoot. Aww.

Starbuck sends the woman and the baby in the ship after the fleet. They have a better chance without his weight burning fuel.

Cy turns on the Cylons! And fights on Starbuck's side! (Because he sent the woman away?)

But Cy is shot. There is a touching death scene.

Starbuck: Cy are you all right?!
Cy: I don't think so. My circuits are fading.
Starbuck: No. No! Cy it's just you and me now. One human, one Cylon.

Cy: No, Starbuck. Not human, not Cylon. Friends.

The woman appears again on a cliff (Starbuck doesn't see her), saying the child is safely on its way, and she's ready to return home now (to her other dimension). She judges "this mortal to be good." GEE THANKS.

Babycakes is left all alone! On the planet!

Only he has more Cylon bodies now, so maybe he can repair Cy again! And take the Cylon patrol's ship! (And then kill his annoying demon spawn, Dr. Zee.)

bsg, picspam

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