Oh, and sex with chalk hands! Why don't we see any of that?

Jan 12, 2007 23:15

I finally caught up on Numb3rs! I was kind of MEH about it earlier, but I was pleasantly surprised by how engaging this season is.

You know it's progressed to the point where I'm mostly watching this show without any slash or shipper goggles at all. I'm watching gen! And I'm liking it!

Don at the end of 307, all dumped and sad, and Charlie and Dad staying up with him. AW. The FAMILY LOVE.

I hope I'm as cool as Allan when I'm old. Happenin' Senior Citizens represent.

You know I really didn't like the idea of Larry and Megan when they started to be a couple, but THEY GOT ME. I can't resist such *adorableness*. My God. HEART.

Charlie and Amita were somewhat hot together! For a few seconds! Amazingly! For two such hot people they're usually so awkward and chemistry-less with each other that watching their "romantic relationship" onscreen is painful. But that impulsive kiss actually made things not so bad. I just--do they have sex? Ever? If they do, why don't we see any of it or hear about it? Like we do with Larry and Megan (and the pimpdaddy naked Don in 307 woohoo).

Charlie at the end of 310. Awwwwww. He's all abandoned and sad and LOVING LARRY.

But even that love comes right after Larry gave him help in his math problem. It's interesting when you look at Charlie's relationships, the only person he's really unselfish with is Don--the only person who can give him nothing in return.

He's such a little diva, but I love him! And he's pretty! You know, in a show full of HOT PEOPLE and people who LOVE MATH, I expect to see SOMEONE having sex and writing equations onto skin, dammit!! Why does my math show not satisfy my math kink?


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