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Aug 28, 2005 18:47

Yay "Unleashed"! Except my copy said "Danny the Dog" and that is the stupidest title ever, because, apart from not being as thematic and multiple-meaning-friendly as "Unleashed," the whole point of the movie is that he's *not* a dog.

But OMG it was so good it was like fanfiction! Seriously, just like fanfiction! Except in fanfiction we would have seen Danny get raped because everyone in fanfiction must be Raped to have Trauma, and then his rescuer would be a more attractive blind piano-tuning widower than Morgan Freeman (even though yay Morgan Freeman!) and there would be Tension between them, and he would have no daughter, or perhaps a very small one. But in all other respects! YAY! And Jet Li is SO GOOD at being my FAVORITE KIND of hidden angsty and he was just SO CUTE AND HUGGABLE WITH HIS TEDDY BEAR OMG and then dangerous and sexy with the collar and it was SO ANGSTY that I almost cried sometimes but then I didn't because I wanted to see the prettiness. Oh, and he was pretty too!

But it seemed kind of OOC for Danny's "Uncle" to beg Danny to kill him. We've never seen any suicidal or self-defeating trend in him before. Quite the opposite. Kind of convenient for Danny's inner struggle, eh?
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