(no subject)

Aug 28, 2005 06:33

They are so in love! And yes they should so be married and have babies at Brett's manor, only not mpreg because mpreg is kind of squicky. I love how they bicker like they're married within moments of meeting each other. Such cuteness! Even though Tony was less pretty than Roger which really surprised me, and Tony's hair needed some Serious Help. And his dancing was really bad, but then everyone's was. But it was also a good show! The use of flashbacks in the second ep and the sad conflict and you can't go home again and wah. It was good. And it is also witty and funny, and has such good editing and cinematography and film actors that it feels more like a wonderfully long yet thoughtfully broken-up film and yay! ::dances::

Danny offers to buy a negligee for Brett, and Brett will wear a blue one for Danny because they are in lurve.

Brett eats breakfast in bed with Danny and is SO JEALOUS of Danny's childhood friend and is checking to MAKE SURE that no one slept with Danny the night before.

While Danny is wearing this dress/robe thing. Hee.


In conclusion, Brett whistling "Danny Boy" to get Danny's attention is like ::flails:: the sweetest thing *ever*!

Now, on to "Unleashed"!

persuaders picspam, persuaders, picspam

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