
Oct 01, 2006 22:19


I mainlined the first 4 eps of the season, and oh my God. I love House. I love his joy in running. I love how he tries to make his cane not a big deal. I'm finding Cameron's armchair psychology attempts very annoying. But, okay, do we actually know if the pain is psychological or not? Cuddy never did that scan of his leg, did she?

I love how OT3 Cuddy, House, and Wilson are. I love how they flirt with each other. I love how Cuddy and Wilson conspire against House, and I love how they all know each other so well. I love how House is right but still wrong. I think his obsession with the carpet is strange, and I'm not sure what's motivating it. Is it just a power play or revenge or does he really need it? And if he does, why?

I love the teenage girl infatuation, hah, though I was so embarrassed for her with the Casablanca stuff. Mostly, I love that sex pollen is canon. (And apparently actually exists! MORE people should use it as a plot device now!)


The premiere was perfect. Oh, God. At several places the boys' woobie was so extreme that I actually reached out to touch the screen. I continue to be impressed by the cinematography. Some of those 360 shots and tracking shots were really beautiful.

The only thing I feel bad about is John's death. Not the way it was handled in this episode--that was perfect. But the way that it means we won't see John anymore. I'll miss him so much--as a character in and of himself, as he relates to the boys, and as his character functions or could function in the plot.

At the end of the episode, I was literally sobbing, and I kept saying "Daddy, don't go."


OTOH, this does ease the complicated family dynamics so that now the *only* people Sam and Dean care about are each other. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, though.

supernatural, house

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