Sep 29, 2006 22:15

I just watched the Numb3rs premiere, and omg, Charlie's hair looks good, but he's all weirdly tan and chipmunk-cheeked. WTF. And Don's hair is too short! The whole Amita/Charlie thing was SO AWKWARD AND WRONG. It always is. Why don't they just give up on it already! And then Charlie saying to Don that he doesn't want the same things as Amita and he really wants his brother. Obviously! OTOH, Larry and Megan totally surprised me by being ADORABLE AND AWESOME. Maybe Larry will move in with Charlie now. I kind of really want to see Alan have a swinging pad.

I also watched the Veronica Mars season premiere, but oddly, I don't have any thoughts on it. Aside from the witty banter, it was kind of meh.

Now on to SPN and House!


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