Aug 08, 2006 20:07

I survived the traveling back in time one hour, and the Detroit airport is really cool. But 15 hours of plane plus the two hours of train before that and being up for 27 hours made me one TIRED girl.

Yesterday PEOPLE came over and it was good to see friends, as well as family and, wow, things have HAPPENED in the year I've been away, things that my family is apparently incapable of imparting through email, things like the dog dying and them getting a new one, etc.

We sang karaoke in my living room, and glaphix, you so can sing, whatever!

Anyway, I am ENJOYING the AC. Get this: the temperature *inside* is DIFFERENT from the temperature *outside*. It's *amazing*. And it's finally cool enough for me to sleep! If, you know, the jet lag ever *let* me sleep. (Hi. It's 7 AM and I am *showered* and *dressed* and READY TO GO. This is *not normal* for me.)

So yeah, I'll probably check back in once or twice, but I'll be interacting with the REAL WORLD.


Last night, I mean it's been a year since I saw these friends, and we always talk online so we were like "OMG you have a BODY. Wow. I forgot." It was like a weird mental shift to talk to them in real life. We are sad sad digital children.

It was otakucat2's birthday yesterday which is hearts and flowers, and I hope she didn't get too drunk on her newfound freedom. But she and John should be coming to SEE ME on the 18/19th, which makes me go like Captain Fuller's son, arms outstretched: HAPPINESS!


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