Tenar is NOT BLONDE.

Jun 23, 2006 18:03

Yesterday I watched a movie called Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. Thanks to otakucat2 for telling me about it. It starred Robert Downey, Jr. and Val Kilmer, who plays a guy called "GAY PERRY," and it was just the best. thing. ever. They had such great chemistry, and they did such a good job acting and the script was hilarious and self-referential and fourth-wall-breaking and AWESOME. I love it when actors I love do good projects and play characters that I can cheer for (hint hint, Callum). And I haven't seen them in anything good since... hm, Downey, Jr. since "Restoration" and Val since... uh. "The Saint"? So, wow. YAY. It was seriously REALLY FUN to watch, so you should all go download it RIGHT NOW.

Go on, I'll wait.

Speaking of fun to watch, mysticfive linked to this Folger's commercial the other day and it just. It gets better every time I watch it, and the song gets stuck in my head liek yay. It's like a campy reenactment of a 70s musical, only parodying it at the same time and wheee. Sunbeams are people too!! Really... happy people.

Minotaurs was talking about this Star Trek fan-film series where there is gay kissing, and this fills me with GLEE. I'm watching it from the beginning now, and the acting and writing and cinematography is mostly hilariously bad. The people who are hot and can act are woefully underused and killed off and recast and WOE. Though the new Wesley is hot and a good actor (comparatively!). Mmm, bald Wesley. (Though they should make him completely, Lex-level bald, and at least like include a throwaway explanation for how he lost his hair. It would be so easy, but I guess they're too lazy for things like continuity and shit. Like seriously, what is this characters appearing and disappearing with no explanation crap?) Some of the plots are good, however, and the CGI is first-rate. It's campy fun yay. Witness this bad-guy Dementor-rip-off who's wearing a blanket. On. His. Head. Hee!

It's apparently a spin-off of another Trek fan-film series. I didn't even know those homes were there! (OMG bad commerical reference, sorry.) Anyway I finished the first season in a gleeful mini-marathon last night, complaining happily all the while about the acting and writing, and I still haven't gotten to the gayness, but I'm not in a hurry when I know it's coming. And I'm happy that this is distracting me from New Voyages' slow production. So go! Watch! Bad gay television! What more do you want? (Sentinel fans, I'm looking at you.)

I watched Star Trek VI a while ago, and speaking of bad gay stories oh my God. Like I don't know how I totally missed the fact of this movie's *existence* before, but I'm kind of glad I did. I mean, everyone hates on V and, yes V is uneven, but that means there are bad parts *and* good parts.

VI is very consistently BORING and bad and out of character and just *stupid*. The *dialogue* is some of the worst I've heard. Christ.

The best part of the movie was that Red from "That 70s Show" played this crazy Federation president.

And then Odo was a warmongering Federation General

who briefed the president using a giant flip chart on an easel and a POINTER. In the TWENTY-THIRD CENTURY, people. In Federation Headquarters. Yeah. The movie was just that bad.

But there were some nice K/S moments. And when Spock was smacking that sideburn-shaving Vulcan bitch around and raping her mind... Guh. Jesus, it's so hot whenever Spock touches *anyone* with intent, much less with intimacy and violence.


I was just thinking about how often I watch a show only after reading the fanfic. It's strange, with movie adaptations of a written story, I have very strict rules for myself that I'm not supposed to watch until I read. I break the rules, especially for classics that I'm too lazy to read, but I always feel guilty when I do. The sequence of reading first and then watching is always set in my mind.

But with written adaptations of televised stories (fanfic), I don't have those same scruples. Sometimes I read fics and hear enough about the source that I'm drawn to watch it. (Sometimes, like with SV and SGA, I know the source can never live up to the fic.) But I think in those cases that I'm actually measuring the show against the best writing and characterization of the fics. I'm treating it like a (sometimes bad) adaptation of a written work. How odd that I never noticed before!

Sometimes it's an enriching experience, leading to more fan activity. Watching Due South after reading the fic was like watching the LotR movies after reading Tolkien, where the canon changes are interesting rather than frustrating. But sometimes watching the source is like watching "Earthsea" after loving the books for half my life: disappointing, frustrating, or outrage-inducing.

Speaking of which, Boy told me that Miyazaki's son is doing an Earthsea movie soon as well. Here, go look. Trailer here.

WTF Cob is a chick?? Ohhh man.

Even the character designs make me mad. Earthsea isn't soft and picturesque and rounded. Earthsea is *dangerous*. Also, again with the random hair color changes (*They* have no excuse. It's *animated*.) AND no people of color GRRRR and no *scars* on Therru. Ack. ::waves hand:: I guess I'll wait to see it to make a final judgement, but gah.

Don't fret! More Jump Street picspam soon!

star trek picspam, hidden frontier, links, star trek

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